Chapter 7: Beaten...

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Sehun was confused, the writing had to of meant something. 'True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in Heart' Rereading each and every word over and over left nothing but confusion in the boy. To make things even more confusing, Sehun turned the bracelet over revealing a gold locket with a keyhole. "None of this makes sense! What does this even mean?, Who.... this girl could be anyone!" Words were spilling out of his mouth, Countless words as to explain what each word engraved on the bracelet meant but nothing helped him piece the puzzle together. 'Just who is this girl? Why .... why me?'  Why was this all happening to Sehun?, Matter of fact where was he and how was he gonna find his way back. "I'll just call Suho-hyung." Sehun mumbled as he pulled out his phone sending Suho a 'Help me I'm lost hyungie, I'm really scared. Please come quick!' message knowing Suho would be all worked up, he texted back as quick as he could probably dashing for the keys and towards where ever the gps on Sehun's phone said.

 "Sehun!.....Sehun! where are you" Suho yelled out feeling a bit scared, what would Suho say to their manager if Sehun mysteriously disappeared. Imagine if Exo-L found out about this... "Sehun! where are you!" Suho unceasingly shouts hoping that the maknae would come out but nothing worked, All but silence filled the air. Suho was beginning to think that Sehun was kidnapped and that he would be dead by the next sunrise but fortunately Suho found Sehun but not in a good condition though, Blood dripped from his dried lips, His shirt covered in thick crimson blood while bruises covered his face and arms. "SEHUN!! WHAT HAPPENED!" Suho began to scream and shout just as he was on the verge of tears, Never in his entire life had he ever saw any of his members in such a situation and it was killing him inside. 'If only I stayed with him then maybe this wouldn't have happened. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT! HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN!'  "H-Hyung? i-is th-that y-you?" Sehun's voice was groggy and shaky, His vision was unclear and so was his situation. "Sehun, I'm right here! what happened are you okay!?" Tears soon blurred Suho's vision as he hugged the now unconscious Sehun in his arms before calling Xiumin, "Y-You NEED t-t-t-t-tt-o g-get he-he-here n-now!"Sobs were mostly heard over the phone yet Xiumin had a good idea of finding Suho since Xiumin may or may not have put a tracking device app on all his members.

Xiumin rushed over to Suho's location with Luhan since he wanted to tag along, once they arrived, both boys looked high and low for their friends, "Everything is gonna be alright, Everything's fine. Xiumin-hyung will find us and take us home." Luhan found Suho embracing someone tightly in his arms just as tears spilled out, Coming closer Luhan, Soon realised Sehun was in his arms but in such a state was something Luhan was not prepared to witness, "Xiumin-hyung get here quick!" Luhan shouted kneeling down to Sehun and Suho. "What's wr-" Xiumin couldn't believe his eyes, "We need to get him back to the dorm and treat his wounds, I'll take Sehun and you two come back in the other car okay." Xiumin gently picked up Sehun hearing a wince slip from his bloody lips but carried him to the black car with Suho trailing behind along with Luhan who tried to calm him down. "Everything is okay Suho, Sehun is alright nothing serious just a few wounds." Both males got into the car strapping on their seat belts before taking off behind Xiumin. Sehun laid in the back seat of the car as Xiumin drove back, "What happened to you?..." Glancing through the mirror revealed Sehun's reflection and his bloody clothes that seemed to be torn by a small knife. 'Why would someone do this to him, He's only 22 and someone would abuse him like this?!'  Xiumin was angry, Clenched fists tightened on the wheel. All he could of done to protect Sehun, Xiumin wasn't sure if he was really mad at himself or the person who abused the poor maknae. He never thought a day would come where one of his members were badly injured, but the Great Wise Lord had other plans for these widely known kpop idols that called themselves Exo.

At The Dorm:

"Someone get the first aid! Sehun needs medical attention right now!" Sehun is laid across his bed as Xiumin unbuttons his bloody shirt that revealed a deep gash across his abdomen in which fresh blood loomed out of. "This is worst then I thought." "How does it look hyung?" "He's got a deep cut across his abdomen and it's still bleeding." As if on cue Lay walked in with the first aid in his hands before he witnessed Sehun's terrible state. In complete shock, The tall, slim, boy blacked out causing the worry meter to raise. "Quick Suho! Pass me the first aid! Luhan, D.O! Get Lay out of here and make sure no one else comes in!" Luhan and D.O quickly removed Lay out of the situation as Suho helps Xiumin with cleaning and disinfecting Sehun's wounds. "Pass me the cloth." 'Everything's gonna be okay Sehun just hang in there' 2 minutes have passed and the blood finally cooled down but Sehun wasn't looking too cool himself. He lost so much blood, His skin turned pale and he might be on the verge of death.

"This isn't good! Someone call the ambulance!" Xiumin was baffled, scared, He didn't know what to do but pray that his dongsaeng would survive.  "Xiumin the ambulance is on their way!" 'just a little longer, Your gonna be alright Sehun' "Umm.... are you alright hyung?...." Kai sat on the bed glancing over Sehun's pale chest, "I don't know!? I'm supposed to protect you all... But I failed....I failed you all.. What kind of brother am I? ... I couldn't protect Sehun! How can I face you all, Our fans,  Our manager, My parents!? I'm just worthless." The emotions boiled inside Xiumin, Guilt filled his thoughts and Kai just sat there trying to process what his hyung was saying and feeling. "Hyung!..."  Xiumin snapped his head up, glancing at his dongsaeng. "Don't think like that, You have been a wonderful brother, Not to me but everyone else! You haven't  failed at anything, You're always trying your hardest even in rough times yet you continue to progress further! If you weren't here... Sehun... He might of died if it weren't for you! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HAS HELPED US THE MOST!" Kai paused, taking in a deep breath. " I....I don't know what we would've done.... if you weren't here. You've done so much." His fists tightened  just as he took in another deep breath. "Please.....Please don't pin this on yourself ...." Kai shouted at his hyung, yes it was wrong to disrespect his hyung but he couldn't keep it in, His hyung was pinning everything on himself like a burden, 'Such a burden mustn't be carried by one person.' Kai thought, He glared at the floor, tears were threatening to spill. His voice was low but soft. "Do-..Don't ever failed as our brother....I don't want to worry anymore but ......." He exhaled glancing up at his hyung. "If I hear you say your worthless again..." He paused once more as he walked towards the door frame, "I'll never forgive you." He was soft spoken now, Yet harsh in a way.

Chanyeol's View:

We had all heard Kai's outburst , After all that he stormed into his room. 'What's up with him, shit must've went down between them two.' "What do you think happened?" "Questioning such a thing is irrelevant, this does not concern you nor does it concern anyone else. This is between them not us." Kyungsoo spoke, Although I was just about to protest, there was a loud knock on the door catching everyone's attention. "I'mma get it." Chen ran to answer door as I got up and informed Xiumin about the ambulance arriving. 


At The Hospital:

Xiumin's View:

It's been an hour since we arrived at the hospital. My hands are shaking and my heart-rate is rising, I feel like I'm gonna have an anxiety attack. "Ahem... Are you alright hyung? You seem a bit frightened." 'I just can't get the thought of someone committing such a drastic crime, What did they gain out of it? The blood they drew with one single slash of a knife?, The sensational sound of the knife ripping apart skin?, Or was it just for the sake of delicious sounds of mercy arising from their victims pain and suffering'  "Hyung? Let' go, we can see Sehun now." Chen's voice echoed through my head, I was scared to see Sehun, would he be in a better condition? I don't know.... All I know was that I had to face him in whatever condition he was in. We all walked down the hallway, everywhere I looked, there was pure white walls. 

Turning many corners in the hospital finally lead us to Sehun's room, He just layed there staring at us. My thoughts were twisting and turning, I just couldn't focus now... I wish this was a dream but it wasn't... "What took you guys long?" Chanyeol hummed, Sehun's arms were covered in bruises but they looked better than before, his face looked better than before but he did still have a cut on his dried lips and his skin found it's colour again which is such a relief. "Yo....How you doing hyung?" his voice cracked along with his tired drowsy eyes blinking every so often, Letting out a small yawn followed with a confused look. "I-I....Uh" My fists clenched tightly, I glared at the floor trying not to let out a growl. "Who did this to you?" "Huh?" "You know what I'm talking about, WHO DID THIS TO YOU SEHUN!" I couldn't control it. I was angry, but at the wrong person, Tears just ran down my cheeks and everyone was silent just glancing at each other until Sehun spoke up "I don't know....But I have an idea of who caused this though.." We all looked up at Sehun, He looked as if he was smirking but it's kinda hard to tell when he's all beaten up and weak. But it really shocked me when the told us who might of done this.

'I'll never forgive who ever did this no matter what, I'll find out who it is no matter what. I won't let this person off so easily'


Author's Note: Hope you liked it.

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