Chapter 13: Suho Finds Out

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Author's View:

It's been two days since the doctor confronted Xiumin about Sehun needing the life support to survive. So many thoughts are running through Xiumin's mind and he's scared to death that something might happen to him, "Hyung... hyung? Are you okay?" A sudden voice echoes through the room, Xiumin looks up at the familiar source of the voice, "Xiuminie? Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry Lay, it's nothing major or anything like that."

Lay smiles a small smile revealing his cute little dimples. Xiumin is at loss for words and he needs someone to talk to so why not talk to Lay. "There's something I want to tell you but... you can't tell the others." The smiling boy slightly nods as he takes a seat next to his hyung. Xiumin inhales a deep breath before finally revealing the bad news, "Well.. Sehun might die if we don't get him on life support," he pauses, hands curled into a fist, his eyes glaring at the still carpet covered floor. "Although he does have chances of surviving, however those chances aren't very high ..." silence fills the small room and all you could see was Lay's shocked face. "I-Is that so..."

"But w-what about the blood transfusion?... Wasn't that suppose to help him?... I-I d-don't want h-him to d-d-die.." by now Lay was breaking down with constant sobs and tears rolling down his face, "Lay..." Xiumin can't help but tear up as well although he knows, "Crying won't solve anything, not to mention a healing unicorn should be crying." Small, weak smiles were being exchanged between the two, "Xiuminie-hyung! Where are you!" Suho shouts out as he wanders around the dorm although knowing Kyungsoo would kick his ass for disturbing him. 'Where on earth could he be? Maybe he's in his room' Suho walks up to Xiumin's door ready to open the door until. "But d-didnt the blood transfusion help him, I-I mean.. the doctor said he needed it due to blood loss so wouldn't it have helped him?" Xiumin signed, his dongsaeng's eyes looked hopeful but very well knew that the blood transfusion didn't help one bit though he still had hope.

"I don't know... he looked fine after the transfusion but the doctor said his condition was becoming worse and worse by the minute leaving our only choice to put him on life support." Suho stared at the door blankly, a few tears began to swell up in the said boy's eyes, 'This is just a joke right? It's not real... its just a cruel joke that's all... Right?' although without thought, Suho slammed the door open which revealed both Xiumin and Lay shook as shook could be. The tall male took in a deep breath before exhaling. "Tell me this isn't true... all of it... its not true is it!?" a single tear slid down his wet, red cheeks. "Hyung..." Lay spoke up, Xiumin didn't know what to say. Suho was the last person he wanted to find out but life isn't fair and especially for these idols. "Suho... Calm dow-" HOW CAN I CALM DOWN! DO YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE, WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO US... TO ME... WHY! WHY HUH! I'VE SEEN THE LOOKS YOU GIVE SEHUN. He's on the edge of death isn't he?" It was like a water fall of tears streaming down the poor male's red, puffy eyes. "It depends.. Sehun needs life-support." finally spitting out the truth Xiumin averts eye contact with both of his dongsaengs.

"Just don't tell the others... I don't want them to worry more then they should... Manger-hyung called, he wants everyone in the dance studio."

Minhee's View:

"What a fucking asshole... And the way she spoke to me like she was the boss, HAH!" I can't forget what happened today with Wonho and the random chick. 'I've seen her face before though... Ji Su... Ji Su from class D.' I lay my head against the cushioned pillow as I let out a loud sigh. Echoes of loud ringing erupted in my ear, I can hear the vibration of my phone on the wooden table, "Hello?.." theres no ID just an 'Unknown Caller' "Yah.. Minhee! Are you ready for the after party today?"  "Who is this...?" "Ahhh It's Sowon, we need to get ready if we want to get there on time!" 'Does she really think I'm gonna let her tag along. Honestly... She's such a bitch, why did I even let her be my friend let alone hang around me. She's nothing but a bitch.'

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