Chapter 12: Arguments

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"You know you can't hide from me babe" "Oh yeah! Watch me... babe" I salute the middle finger to the bastard that's watching my ass move, "Stop staring at my ass bitch." I yell out and of course he has to have the last say in everything but not for long.


Next Day:

"Can't hide from me my ass! Stalker alert much." So many beautiful thoughts are swarming through my mind and each thought satisfies my desires, "Maybe I could torture him? Or I could lower his reputation although I have no idea where goes..." My mumbling is distracting me from biology but I could really care about this topic, like why bother with pressure point when you can just strangle or stab someone to death. "Can anyone tell me at least one pressure point in the human body?" 'I actually know this one.' I raise my hand and the teacher decides to be a douche and choose someone else, "Yes Hyungwon." "Between the thumb and index finger is a pressure point to help headaches, ear-ache, tooth-ache, shoulder pain, e.c.t." "Correct again, everyone please pay close attention, you to Mrs Kang."

'Of all people in this classroom he bugs me, What a bitch!'  I swear this teacher hates me, fucking asshole. I jump out of my seat grabbing everything in my bag and walk out in which resulted in the teacher yelling at me. "Kang Minhee! Get back in your seat right this instant!" Half way out of the classroom, I glance over my classmates and towards the glaring teacher, "Fuck you!" I yell out and walk out leaving everyone in a dazed surprise. Why should I waste my time with bastards like them? "Yah Minhee!" A sudden high pitched voice echoed through the hallway, It was Sowon running towards me with a half cheerful smile but I know its fake, everything about this bitch is fake and I know this very well, all from the very start when I first met her. "What..." I'm seriously not in the mood to talk to her, "Omo did you hear Sehun had his blood transfusion!" Her voice is so high pitched and not to mention that it's worse now that she's literally yelling when she's only 2 metres away from me. "Yeah so what.." "I heard he'll be out of the hospital by tomorrow but he's attending the music awards after party tonight, Anddddd I was wondering .... Well, you know how you're.... Your friends with that Taehyung guy from BTS or whatever, I was wondering if I could ta-" "No! You're not coming, I don't want you there let alone your slutty ass trying to get in someone's pants." Sugarcoating isn't in my vocabulary and I refuse to let this bitchy hoe come even if she's my 'best friend'. "Wow what a friend you are, Why are you such a bitch to me"

She glared at me, I can tell she's pissed off and it's very amusing to see such a rare and real expression, her nose is wrinkled and her brows are raised. "What a rare expression coming from such a fake person, I'm quite surprised you could muster up such an expression and most of all, towards your dearest best friend." I give  innocent smile to her and it probably threw her off the edge, she glared at me one more time before walking away with a mouth full of words. "You're a bitch too Sowon, I'm not the only one you whore" 'Why did I waste my time on such a whore when I could be sharpening my scissors and knives but ...... I guess there's always another time for important business.'

I'm just about to walk out the school gate when I just had to run into yet another person unworthy of my time. "Minhee! How are you doing?" He had short black hair styled half messy half straightened and he wore black jeans with a grey plain shirt with a white jacket hanging around his shoulders, "Are you ... Zhang Yixing?" I never really took the time to actually identify their features to pick out who was who but knowing their names were helpful... I guess. Yixing stared at me in surprise but soon smiled revealing his dimples, he was quite an adorable
guy but I knew very well that when he danced or was on stage shit would go down and I'm not prepared for that kind of out break right now. "Yep thats me, how are you this fine evening?" he's all smiley and giddy now, he sort of reminds me of Sehun in a way. "Okay how bo-" "Oi Lay! Come on we need to go!" A short brunette form yelled out. "Coming! Sorry but I have to go now, it was nice meeting you though bye bye."

Lay and the short brunette soon walked off into the distance and I continued my way out of the school gate and towards a café located around the block, the loud chatting in the café filled my ears while the smell of caffeine filled my nostrils. "Oppa! Why are you being so mean to me, I thought you cared about me!" 'What a loud and irritating voice, bitch should shut the fuck up or I'll have to help a bitch out'  I glanced over to a nearby booth, a young girl was pouting with her arms crossed and the boy looked pissed at the girl, "Don't oppa me bitch! I know you just want something so why don't you just spit it out huh!" He yelled at the girl and you could see she was on the verge of tears.

She took in a breath before opening her mouth. "Fine! You want to know what I want! I want you, all I've ever wanted was you but you just had to fuck around and screw all those girls not to mention Minhee for fucks sake!" She spat back in a hurtful tone. I was surprised when she mentioned my name or maybe it was someone else, I walked over to an empty seat but I'm pretty sure she saw me since she glared at me the moment I moved and well shit.

"And here she is now, Great! What great fucking time you have Minhee!" She practically yelled at me which obviously resulted in everyone staring at the shameless girl that just happened to be glaring at me. 'Great...'  The boy glances at me and I'm just here casually shitting my pants right now, "Well well well, you must really love me considering this is the second time meeting isn't it?" he smirked while the girl continued to glare at me like there was no fucking sunset.

"Shut you're fucking mouth up you ass hole of a man whore! Don't go speaking fucking shit to me when we all fucking no you're an obvious one night stander so don't go starting fucking shit about how perfect you are when you're nothing but a fucking shitbag!"

My breath pitched as each word took him by surprise, back then I was always a shy person do everything for him like a submissive but now I've realised how stupid I was. "Bitch we both know you loved me! The way you begged me for more, we all know your just a slutty, whore, who wants nothing but to get into guys pants so just shut you're fucking mouth!" "Wonho, It's not worth talking to that bitch! Lets just leave, I don't want to see her face, I've lost my appetite."

The small form spoke quietly, her eyes focused on me with a glare full of hatred and anger, 'What a fucking asshole he is, and that fucking whore, who does she think she is to fucking speak about me like that.'


Sehun's View:

My head hurts and it feels like it's spinning. I can hear loud beeping noises and loud chatter in the room, my eye site isn't clear and I can only make out their figures. "He doesn't seem to getting better and we may have to put him on life support if this continues." It was a tall male with a deep voice echoing, in front of him was an another male but was much shorter, "But will he be alright if we put him on the life support?" He sounded like someone I knew but I just can't put my finger on it. He didn't sound calm and relaxed but more over sad and angry. "There are chances that he might survive however those chances are decreasing by the minute." My heart broke, were they talking about me or was it someone else? I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Xiumin's View:

"There are chances that he might survive however those chances are decreasing by the minute." I know there isn't a high chance of surviving but I know he'll make it. I glanced over at Sehun, he looked calm and at peace, if only it was like this all the time. I watched over him as he practiced over and over again just to perfect his solos. He always looks so determined and happy when he dances but I knew he was stressed during all the concerts, when I look back on the past, I can see that he's grown so much over the years yet he still seems to act like a child. "What awaits us in the end?" I whispered to myself. The doctor left the room. "Its so quiet without you around you know, I wish I was there to protect you..."


Author's Note:

 Sorry if this was long update, School is getting in the way and I'm pretty sure it's getting in your way as well.

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