I said I'll Get My Revenge

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I said I'll Get My Revenge

Today was my day. I was going to take it and claim it as mine because today was going to be my daydream but Chase's nightmare. The similarity between the two is that this was going to be our reality, today. I feel content, I wasn't feeling nervous at all. It was like making your own dress. You needed all of the parts required to make it, the fabric scissors, the mannequin, the measuring tape, the fabric and the sewing machine. You would need to perfectly measure everything and carefully align the pieces of fabric together. After all of that came the best part, the part where you would try on the dress and smile in your reflection because the dress hugged all of your curves in all of the right places and you loved the dress because it wasn't like the others. This one you actually sewed together yourself. This was your work.

And that was why you loved it so much.

Today was the day where I would try on my masterpiece and smile as I twirl around in front of the mirror. You loved the way the dress flared at the bottom and I loved the way Chase's eyes were going to blink in disbelief as his mouth curled in distaste of the circumstances and I was going to smile him. The most cruelest smile I could muster and I was going to blow him away. He never thought I had it in me.

But I was taught by the best. He always told me to get my revenge and I fucking would. Today was the day.

His day has come.


"How many left?" He asked, checking over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching.

"About ten. We should hang some up around the gym doors," I said as I taped one of the pages up, above the fountain.

I passed him half of the last batch as he examined the image printed onto the page.

"He is going to be mad, you know? We don't know how far he'll go to get his revenge."

I sighed as I turned around to face him.

"You're right, we don't, but life is about taking a risk right?" I asked bitterly. It wasn't that he was pissing me off but rather it was my nerves. I was scared, I was terrified. This wasn't a good idea at all, and even Sebastian knew this but we had to start somewhere, at least let me start with a bang.

"We can do this, I can do this," I whispered to myself as he walked away and surveyed the surrounding. People were coming in and it half an hour to classes starting. Some students have begun to check out the posters and were whispering to one another as they stared at me. I stood emotionlessly, a passive face on. It felt like the previous months where I was lonely and against everyone else. I noticed now that since Sebastian has stuck by me, people bothered me less and I wasn't getting as much stares as I used to anymore. I guess that is the only good side to this situation.

"Let's go." He said.

I wanted to stay and see him walk in as he takes in his surroundings but leaving with Sebastian would make things go smoother.

"Okay," I said as we walked to the second floor, where my locker is. My heart was pounding inside of my chest, just the fear what he could do to me was enough to turn my stomach. Was this a good idea? Should I have just kept quiet and handle it until I graduated? Time goes by fast... I can just do homeschooling if it is really painful for me.

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