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Hey guys,

If you like reading light hearted, comical love stories, I've made a new book. I'm almost finished this one with a couple chapters to go so I introduced another idea. If you like it, let me know. It's much lighter than this one and covers the quirks and fun of high school!

It called "How To Win Mason Locks" !

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the last chapter!

Here's the prologue for my new story.

My name is Olivia Cohen. For the longest time ever, I have been average. Always just good enough.

But that all changed once I got to senior year.


Since I was a child, I have always wanted to understand and experience the taste of love.

Love was all around me yet, never with me.

I wasn't talking about family love or parental love — trust me, I had a lot of that. My parents were very hard-working and apart of the hospital facility and they have given me two siblings. We have never felt like we weren't loved or anything like that, in fact, we were always assured that my parents would be there for us.

The issue had hand was that I wanted, no, craved to have a boy friend. I was turning sixteen and still have not had a boyfriend, let alone, a boy friend. I had always been surrounded by my two sisters, Claire and Emma, and my best friend, Lucy. I had the love, support, and attention that any child required yet I wanted more than that — I wanted a boyfriend. Actually, more precisely, I wanted Mason.

I have liked Mason for the longest time ever. He's been my crush since the beginning of grade 6, when I realized that his ginger coloured hair and green eyes made him perfectly unique and more attractive than any other kid in the class. The problem was, he was shy and brainy and wasn't particularly a popular kid.

Over the years, I have seen my long-time crush blossom into someone incredibly attract, buff, and popular. Mason Locks went through the biggest puberty change of all time — his voice deepened; making him lose his shrilly high-pitched voice, his hair slowly transitioned from being flat out straight to becoming bent; wavy, which drove the girls wild, and his lanky, pale body filled out; with it now being muscular and lean, allowing him to be the captain of the lacrosse team.

And I? I just watched him from the sidelines, wishing that he would feel the same about me.

One day, I realized that my crush was too overwhelming to handle. I had to let it out! I mean, I have been harbouring a crush for six years now!

My mistake was telling my class mate who had been a great friend to me, that is until she told her friend who told her friend who told his friend who told his friend who told her friend... Who told Mason Locks that I was in love with him.

"Listen uh, Olivia is it?" Mason asked, looking down at me as I squinted up at him — the sun burning my retinas.

"This she!" I responded, inwardly cursing myself. This she? What the hell am I, some middle-aged woman?

"Right..." He chuckled awkwardly before saying, "Listen, you know we have never talked before? How can you be in love with me for um... Six years?"

That's when my world fell apart.

I ran as far as I can before I tripped over some stupid pebble nested in the sidewalk crack.


Fell flat on my face.

I didn't even bother to move, if I laid still enough, maybe I would blend in with the concrete.

"You okay?" A male voice called a few seconds later.

I didn't respond. Stay still, blend in.

"She must've hit her head... Hard." The voice called out to someone behind him.

Suddenly, I was being picked up and carried away.

I didn't dare open my eyes.

Now I really have to pretend I hit my head hard.

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