chapter 1

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Harry's POV

My manager called yesterday to tell me that they wanted to talk in their office. I did my curls and a simple white shirt and tight black skinny jeans.

As i got to the office i notice another car i can't regonize, so there's gotta be someone inside then i thought.

As i get outside the office i knocked and someone said,

"come in" i get in and immediatly see a guy with brown hair and the most beautifull eyes i ever seen , there just like the ocean.

Louis' POV

When the door opens the most beautifull guy i've ever seen came in, he has brown curly hair and and the most greenest eyes i've ever see. he's like a god.

Our manager clears his troath and gets our attention.

"okay harry, i called because you and Louis are the best pornstars of town and the fans wanted that you made a couple of videos together. The following weekend i want you to get to know each other and practice on your videos."

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry it's short but it's just how the story starts okay ?

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