chapter 4

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Harry's POV

I wake up and to see that i'm laying on Louis's chest and memories come back from last night , Louis asking me to be his boyfriend and us having sex .After a couple of minutes looking at Louis and he wasn't looking up so i decid to wake him up by kissing his cheeks . He steers but he just sleeps again . So i kiss his lips a couple of times untill i feel him kissing back , i pull back before it gets heated .

" come on Lou , get up and shower if you are quick , i'm coming too .  " before i know what's happening Louis' s out of bed and in the bathroom . " Are you coming ? " i hear him saying , i chuckle and go after him .

After a long shower and repeating of what happend yesterday evening , we are finally ready and go to Mr. Horans 's office . 

" hello boys , so have you practiced yet , " he asks and we nod " Who topped ?" " me " Louis says . And Mr. horan nods with a smile " good because you're gonna top in the tapes , i mean the two firsts one's and then it's harry's turn . "  we just nod "okay so . Louis the first time your gonna be sweet and gentle , second time your gonna be rough and calling him name's and spanking him , as last your gonna be bottom and your gonna whimper as if your tired . " he says and Louis nods with a smirk on his face , he knows i love to be spanked . " And harry your be good and take everything that Louis gives you okay ? And the last time your gonna be sweet and gentle"he says and we nod "tommorow your gonna do the tapes , tape one is in the bed , tape two is the shower and the last one is in bed too" we nod and say goodbay 

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