Larcade and Natsu

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Lucy sat there, staring at him, wasn't his brother supposed to be locked up in some hospital? Why was his child here and where was Zeref?

"Nice to meet you Larcade." She smiled, turning to him "So how'd you know about me and Natsu being friends?" She asked.

His lips curled into a smile and was about to answer but not before Natsu came barging in shouting the blondes name.

"Natsu, this is your nephew, his name is Larcade." She says giving him a knowing look.

He stares in disbelief, oh, he didn't know he had one.

"Zeref's son?" He muttered "My brother is supposed to be in a hospital."

He sits down next to Lucy and Larcade and runs his hand through his hair, this was all very baffling to him.

"Well, while he was there, a young lady called Mavis would visit, they met when they were ten by the way and she went there everyday to help the nurses and they fell in love." He explained, a small smile playing on his pale lips.

Natsu leaned forward intently "And then?"

"Well, when he was twenty, he was released, him and my mother were very happy, then they had me, I'm sixteen." He said, only creating more questions.

Lucy stayed silent, watching this very personal conversation quietly, feeling all too foreign, she wasn't supposed to be hearing this.

"Where is my brother?"

"He is away somewhere, I haven't seen him for a few years, he left me with my mother." He muttered "Well, I only came here to meet the famed little brother of my father, it was nice meeting you both."

He strode out of the door, not caring for what Natsu had to say as flinging his white hoodie over his shoulder, Lucy and Natsu were left in shock until Lucy put her hands on his shaking ones.

"Natsu." She softly said "I'll get us some coffee."

She disappeared for a few minutes, leaving Natsu to think, all of this had been going on and this whole time, he thought his brother was in hospital, he had to be around thirty years old now.

Lucy came back "Here, I know you like one sugar and not much milk but sorry if it's not perfect." She pre-apologised, stunning Natsu.

"It's fine, your perfectness will make up for it." He blurted his thoughts out and it spilled across the table like a child's unwanted dinner.

She stayed silent, probably a bad sign but it wasn't "Natsu please talk to me." She breathlessly said, as if holding her breath at the end of each word "I know you're not okay right now."

He didn't say anything or even look her in the eye, he just sipped his coffee, it was perfect, just the way he liked it.

Pancakes arrived soon after and Lucy stared as he nibbled, not gobbled them, she even had more then him.

He finished before her and stood up "I'm gonna go home for a bit, stay here with Mira and Erza while I sort some things out."

"Natsu plea-" He interrupted her by hugging her tightly "Natsu." She said pushing him off her, he looked hurt.

"See you soon Luce." 


Hours passed and there was no sign of Natsu, Erza had gone home and switched shifts with a lovely girl called Lisanna and the restaurant was filling up with families and couples, she felt odd, like everyone was judging her for being alone.

"Mira, I'm gonna go back to Natsu's, I'm sure he needs someone to talk to." She put the jacket on she'd brought and Mira waved her goodbye.

It was snowing very heavily outside but it's not like she minded, the cold always made her realise she was alive, it was a concept she didn't quite understand herself.

The house wasn't that far away, she'd memorised the route by the amount of times she'd driven there and even though it was mostly woods, it was very lit up and nobody was outside much to her delight.

The lights in the house were off when she got back and Natsu's car wasn't in the drive and walking in, she noticed Happy was asleep on the arm-rest of the sofa.

"Hey lil buddy, where's Natsu?" She whispered feeling his soft fur.

Her legs carried her into the kitchen and there was a note.

'I'll be gone for a few days, Natsu'

She understood his reasoning for wanting to go away and she was going to be there to comfort him when he got back.


This boy was way too trusting for his own good but he must have a good sense in people.

"Come on Happy, lets go sleep in Natsu's bed."

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