Run 2

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When I finally pulled up into the parking lot I popped open my trunk and crawled over the back seats in my van rather awkwardly in a snowsuit and probably flashing my butt to the skiers on the lifts.

Damn, I feel sexy.

There I gathered my massive amount of stuff, (good god, and sport people think they have a lot of gear) nabbed my tea, and made my way to the bunkhouse.

And almost got hit by a car.

"Eep!" I squealed, and ducked to the side in an effort to not be smushed.

The black truck trundled past and pulled into a spot across the lot. Dude, did they even notice they almost smashed someone as awesome and sexy as me into a Gracie-shaped pancake?

The dude, who was in all black with his (black) helmet already on grabbed his surprisingly not black snowboard from the back of the stupid truck and walked onto the snow, heading in the direction of the half pipe.

"Wanker." I growled, using the really fun British swear words my friend Cialka taught me. Cialka is a damn good snowboarder here, and a good friend of mine. She moved from Moscow, Russia to Bristol, England when she was eleven, then moved here, to Tahoe City/Lake Tahoe, California two-ish years ago.

Needless to say, we are all insanely jealous of her Russian-British accent and looks.

I should probably tell you about the whole group huh? Or the girls who are Olympic hopefuls and friends. Who gives a well-muscled and lean dude all in black who almost runs people over, about them?

Not me, that's for sure. There's to many of them.

We'll anyway, my friends. You already know Sara, but she's a model and doesn't board.

And there's blonde haired, hazel eyed beauty Cialka, the Russian Brit.
Then there's Dana, who's a dyed black-blonde punk girl. She's pretty awesome, and just shreds when she's on the mountain. She might be a bit intimidating if you just see her, what with the nose ring and lip thingie, but Dana is rocker chick teddy bear.

Then after Dana it's Anna. Anna is pretty rocker chick herself, with bleached hair and dark eye makeup but she's totally chill. Anna is super lax about everything and lives life by YOLO, but when it comes to snowboarding she is pedal to the medal. Then it's me, Gracie White the first! But who cares about me. After me, it's Maggie. Maggie, or Margaret, (it's a death wish waiting to happen if you call her anything but Maggie) sort of looks a bit like Lucy Hale if you look at her. She has silky dark brown hair that is enviously straight with chocolate brown eyes. She's dating some dude here, but I forget his name since I never see him. He skis instead of boards, which I totally respect. I can't ski for my life.

And last but not least, we have pretty girl beauty queen Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn looks fragile and not at all like a snowboarder with perfect blonde hair and clear hazel eyes, but she's the fastest I've ever seen here. Kaitlyn's sweet, but her family is really rich and wants nothing to do with the 'Raggy hoodlum snowboarding potheads.' I mean, ouch. Can I say stereotyping? Jerks. Kaitlyn has to fight to board, but she doesn't do halfpipe or slope style like the rest of us. She speed races, which is totally awesome. I think that appeases her parents a little.

And the weird thing was, I couldn't find any of them at the moment, not even Jake, or Michael.

Where was everybody? The slopes are busy with the usual weekend crowd of kids and teens and haggard parents trying to keep their kids from riding off and injuring anyone.

Yeah, good luck with that, guys.

Not many pros liked weekend afternoons, just because it was so crowded. Hence, the whole waking-up-at-an-unholy-hour thing.

I hate mornings.

I looked out over the slopes disinterestedly. I made my over to the left, where the pro stuff was. It's late; they're probably pigging out on Chinese takeout in the Black Bear Lodge/Café.

But I'm not just randomly going to the left, (I did that once though, I spent the whole day walking through Tahoe City randomly with nothing but pop tarts and drinking fountain water. I should do that again.) Oh no. I was going to my domain. The Half Pipe.

And guess what? Lo and behold, it's that idiot from this morning, shredding it by himself on the half pipe.

At the end of his run he pulled of his helmet and goggles, and untied the black bandanna from his face.

And let me say this, he was hot.

Alright, let me rephrase this: I hate mornings, and hot ginger jerks who are incredible snowboarders but like to run over people named Gracie.

He has red, red curls, a bit longer than normal, just brushing his lean shoulders, but geez oh Pete , it looked good. He's pretty well muscled from boarding, but with a lean body, and even from way up here I can tell he's got one hell of a smile.

Asshole. First you try to run me over, than show me up on half pipe, then allure me with your hotness? I don't think so.

'I do. I'd tap that, fo' sho.' The little Gracie-subconscious voice said in my head. I ignored it, for the most part.

I would totally tap that. Definitely.

I shook my head, flipping my curls side to side. What am I thinking? I don't have time for a boyfriend! (As if something like that would go out with something like me. I'm living off my comp. and sponsor money while having to pay for mommy's drug addiction. I'm broke, man.) The dudes clearly wealthy. He's got all new Burton stuff and the newest snowboards, or at least it looks like, with the way it seems to ride.

Whatever. It's time to show him who's the ultimate boss here. Make way for the G-Dawg! 'woot woot!'


I am the Snowboarding QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora