Run 16

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"You spent the night?!" Cialka exclaims wide-eyed, leaning forward on my couch.

I cough and drop another tissue in the wastebasket by the edge of the couch on which I'm laying, my pizza socked feet resting on her lap.

"Seriously? That's all you got from my whole monologue on the date and everything?" I sniffled.

"Did you guys sleep together?" Cialka gasps suddenly. I nod my head. "Yeah."

"Wait, WHAT?" She screeches, making me jump a foot in the air.

Oh. Oooohhhh. Oh my god! Backtrack! Backtrack!

"No! No way, I did not mean it like that!"

"Then you guys just slept in the same bed?" Cialka's eyebrows crinkle a bit in confusion.

"Uh huh." I blow my nose and reach for my plate of Mac and Cheese.

(For some reason it tastes slightly like nachos.)

"He's a really good cuddler." I add thoughtfully.

"Probably because he's hot and strong, but lean, yannow?" Cialka says.

"Nah, it's probably the ginger-ness. Just makes him a teddy bear."


<a few hours later>

In all actuality, I think it was the teddy bear- ginger ness of Shaun that made me eat shit. I swear, sometimes I just wanna kick all those thoughts of him out of my stupid head.

Gracie White's 'why the world sucks list' for today:

1) I'm sick. With a head cold. In 17 degree weather.

2) I have not seen Shaun.

3) Everytime I see Dana or Anna, they ask me if I'm preggos with Shaun's kid.

4)Last but not least, my epic, epic, fall.

Let's rewind, shall we?

So I'm standing on top of the halfpipe with Kaitlyn and Maggie and several others. Well, it's my turn to drop in, so I lean down to buckle my bindings.

(For the non-snowboarders, you're supposed to sit down and do it, unless you're on a level surface.)

Unfortunately for me, it wasn't on a flat surface because when buckling my feet, I accidentally put too much weight on my toe edge and whoop! There I go, with one foot strapped to my board, dropping into the halfpipe.

I didn't even have time to adjust my pretty Anon goggles, gosh darn it.

So I was at least still riding with one foot when coming down my foot slipped off the board and I did an awkward flippy, 360 thing and fell 6 FEET INTO THE SNOW SO HARD MY HELMET POPPED OFF AND ROLLED TWO FEET AWAY FROM ME!

And do you know what my best friends (sisters) did? Those little buggers laughed.

Granted, it was pretty sick, and funny, but now I can't move my arms and shoulders without wanting to cry.

Thank god Shaun didn't see it.

So anyway, here I am, sitting in The Northstar Lodge on the slopes with a hot chocolate.

"Gracie?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

Turning around, I glanced up at the figure, immediately smiling.

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