Run 14

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Shaun's P.O.V.


I sighed as I laid back on my (black) bed and ran a hand through my red curls, thinking about the day.

I. Am. Exhausted.

Angie is just exhausting to be around, let alone do stuff with for a few hours.

Don't get me wrong, I really like the girl, she's my girlfriend, but now I'm thinking more of a friend? I don't know. I keep getting mixed signals from her.

But those are nothing compared to the mixed signals I'm getting from Gracie.

I sighed. Gracie White. Funny how our last names are the same. Thank god we aren't related, or that would be weird.

Is she dating that dude? He doesn't seem like her type. He doesn't even snowboard!

I regret leaving Gracie with him.After that comment, god I just wanted to punch him! I heard him say something later, about our little moment, but Gracie handled it. Or else I would've gone over there.

Oh god. I kissed her! On her neck, granted, and it was such a little kiss, a barely there caress, but I have Angie!

I don't know what my problem is. We left the restaurant before Gracie and her friends, so I'm not sure how the rest of her night went. Will she call, like I asked her to?

Oh my fucking god, Shaun! It's just a girl! It's just Gracie! You shouldn't care, not while you have Angie.

I do care though. And I hope she calls.


'Knock knock'

Wait. I roll over on my stomach and glance at the clock. it's 11:45, who the fuck is at my door?

"I swear, Louie, if this is about that pair of pants you lost at the slopes, I am going to punch you, then get you a therapist!" I call out, reaching my door.

I pull it open and, am greeted with a totally welcome yet unexpected person.


"Uh, Hi?" She blushes slightly and looks down at her purple flats.

Gracie is drenched and shivering. When did it start raining?

"Oh my- Gracie you're all wet- and probably freezing- and- wait. What are you doing here?" I stumble over my words, putting my arm around her sopping shoulders and drawing her inside and shutting the door.

She's like ice.

"Er, my car broke down on the way to the store for milk." Gracie muttered, flashing me a bashful grin. "And your house was kinda right there, so I thought I could maybe chill here? Until tomorrow, when my car can be towed."

"Of course! Yeah, it's cool." I nod, then start to rub my hands up and down her arms, trying to rub some warmth back into her body.

"Geezus christ, You're freezing, GW." I mutter, pulling Gracie into a tight hug.

Gracie sighs, and closes her eyes tightly, snuggling her face deeper into my chest. I pull her tighter against my lean frame, and run a hand through her wet hair.

"Of course you can stay the night. It's no problem." I say again, stroking her hair with one hand, and burying my face in the crook of her shoulder, softly kissing the spot under her ear again.

"Great." She breathes. "Amazeballs. Do you have any dry clothes I could borrow?


"Nice room." Gracie comments, as I lead her into it.

I surreptitiously nudge a pair of boxers under my bed with a toe.

"Thanks. Its sort of messy, but I don't really get a lot of time to clean here."

I say as I pull out a clean DC tee and sweats for her.

"Here. These shouldn't be too big on you." I say, extending the clothes to her.

Gracie grins at me, poking me in the cheek. "Aw, are you blushing?"

I blush even more. The thought of her wearing my clothes...

What? I'm a guy, we can't help ourselves!

"Thanks man. Can I go change?"

"What?" I blink. "Oh, yeah. There's a bathroom down the hall."

"Thanks, Shaun." And before I have time to react, Gracie leans down and presses a soft kiss to my cheek.

I want to turn my head so badly and give her a real, proper kiss, but I can't. I have Angie.

And it kills me. So I do nothing and let her slip away out of my grip, because I had unconsciously put my arm loosely around her waist, and let her go down the hall to change.


Ooh, things are heating up!

What do you think of Shaun and Gracie? 😉😉

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