Run 9

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"Oh... How nice." I say, flashing a small smile. Kaitlyn elbows me in the back sharply. I wince, and stick out my hand.

"I'm Gracie. And this is Kaitlyn."

Kaitlyn raises a hand behind me and says a "'Lo"

Giggles smiles brightly and shakes my hand. "I'm Angie!"

No dip. Shaun just introduced you.

Speaking of that red-headed idiot, he just linked his arm back around her teeny waist and smiled proudly, like he couldn't believe that the prettiest girl in Starbucks was with him.

I could just smack him.

Kaitlyn leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "Can I slap him?"

God, I love her. She just read my mind.

"Maybe later." I whisper back, and slap a large, fake smile on my face.

"So, Angie! Do you board?" I ask.

Angie giggles, and wraps her arms around Shaun's skinny waist.


"Well, do you ski?" Kaitlyn tries.

"No!" She giggles again.

I hate the sound of giggling. I mean, what is that anyway? Giggling.

Giggles twists a piece of brown hair around her finger. "My cousin does, though. I just came to watch one day, and that's when I met Shauny here!"

"Shauny?" Kaitlyn snorfs. (snorting while laughing, people) "Can I call you Shauny too?"

"That's nice."I say loudly, talking over Kaitlyn. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Gigg- I mean, Angie."

I turn around and grab my helmet from where it was resting on the floor next to our table. Kaitlyn grabs her sand heads over to get our boards.

"Later!" I wave back at them, almost missing them lock lips, Shaun's skinny arms wrapping themselves around her teeny frame.

I nervously adjust my beanie and head outside into the one place I really, truly, love. The icy, snowy, cold.

Kaitlyn's waiting for me at the end of the road, practically oscillating with suppressed words. It'll come out eventually.

"Oh my god! What the hell? I thought he liked you! And she doesn't even board or ski, or anything! She just stands there and giggles!"

Woop, there it is.

I shrug blankly and say absently, "She was nice."

Kaitlyn rolls her eyes and lightly shoves me. "You're so much better! And you actually have muscles! She was like a twig! I bet all she eats is salad. Like a chipmunk."

I wrinkle my nose. That would be horrible. I mean, no pizza? No Mac-n-cheese? Cupcakes? Redbull?

I would die.

"Maybe she figure skates?" I try.

Kaitlyn shoots me a look.

I sigh and drop my head, cracking it to the left. Giggles would be so much easier to hate if she was bitch, but she's not. That's the problem with me, I can't hate many people. I think there is always some way we are alike, even if it's just the same ice cream flavor. Therefore, not everyone is all that bad. Except for people like Hitler and Stalin and stuff.

But I don't know Giggles' favorite ice cream flavor. All I know is we like the same guy.

Guys aren't exactly like strawberry shortcake ice cream, you know. You can't eat a guy.

'Well,' Mind Gracie says.

'No! No! Get your mind out of the gutter, Gracie Guru!' I shout back into my mind.

Gross. Just... gross.

"Hey... Kaitlyn." I say. Kaitlyn stops walking and turns to look at me.

"I'm gonna go to that trail we found, ok?"

Kaitlyn nods. "Are you sure?" She says. "I was just going to go back to my apartment, and chill. You could come with, watch some chick flicks, if you want."

I shake my head and smile. "Nah, I'm good. I just wanna board right now, you know?"

"Yeah." Kaitlyn nods. "Yeah, I do. Just be careful, ok?"

I grin and wave her a two fingered salute, already walking backwards to where I know a shortcut.

"I will. Have fun watching the Titanic!"

"Hey!" She shouts behind me. "That is a good movie!"

I just laugh. But the Titanic makes me think of Giggles and Shaun.

I sigh. Maybe this will be harder than I thought.


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