Authors note

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300 reads. I. Am. Blown Away.
(Ha, that's a song)

Thank you so much for everyone who has read/voted/or commented so far.

For some reason the comments thing on my Wattpad account isn't working, which is irritating because I know there are comments, and I know I have comments, but the stupid things just aren't showing up!

So if you've commented, thank you! I'm not ignoring you, I promise! It's not letting me read them!

Special shoutout here to my first fan, and one of my ultimate best friends and sisters, Caitlin! I love you chica💜

(And yes, I did put Kridge in there. How could I not?😜)

Hey, who here is excited for the Sochi Olympics AND the X Games? 😋😋😋

AHHH! So excited! Unfortunately there is like, no snow in Tahoe so I can't go snowboarding, which sucks majorly. But, whatever.

So anyway! Thanks! There's an update coming real soon, I promise!


I am the Snowboarding QueenWhere stories live. Discover now