Run 4

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I blinked. How did I get here?

We were all in the small yet cozy Starbucks that was near the slopes in the itty bitty ski town stuff. Cialka was to my left, laughing loudly at something Michael had said, who was surreptitiously holding Kaitlyn's hand under the table. Dana, Jake, and Maggie had a three way arm-wrestling going on to my right. Anna was with her coach somewhere, and Shaun and I were sitting opposite each other in the middle of the table, playing hangman on a napkin.

See, after Cialka had found us, she dragged me and her 'shiny new friend' Shaun to Starbucks with everyone.

I hate coffee, and the passion fruit tea is out of season, but whatever. At least they have decent toasted bagels.

Shaun poked my arm with a dinosaur pencil we found in Maggie's purse. (I called dibs on keeping it.)

"GW, it's your turn."

I sighed and tapped my cheek with my forefinger, deep in thought.

"Is it... Gracie is sexy?" I tried.

Shaun laughed. "Try again. And it's only 4 letters."

"Damn. So I guess 'GW is hot' is out." I joked.

Shaun grinned his gorgeous grin and laughed, flipping his red curls.

"One last chance, GW." Shaun wiggled his eyebrows, making me snort in laughter. I call it snorfter.

Before I could guess, my coach Ricky Donegal spotted me and walked over. "G-Dawg!" I heard Shaun snorf a little at the nickname.

I awkwardly crawled over Maggie and out of the booth, and did the standard bro hug with Coach Donegal, exclaiming a "Hey man! What's shakin' Coachy?"

Ricky guffawed and slapped my back. "Guess what?" He asked me gleefully, his cheeks a rosy red. I looked at him slightly confused. I love Ricky, he's the best coach I could ask for, but I just don't get him sometimes.

"Er, what?"

Ricky grinned and slapped my narrow shoulders again, making me pitch forward slightly from the force.

"Your new board from that Roxy sponsoring is on it's way, G-Dawg.!" He winked jovially. "And it's got the newest core, too. You'll love it."

I blinked, my jaw hanging open. I didn't know I was getting a board from Roxy! Man, why don't people tell me these things?

"Are you serious?" I asked, my eyes still wide with shock. This is fucking amazing.

Ricky laughed loudly, like true, burly Irishmen do, (He told me himself) and slapped my back again. He needs to stop doing that before I get a bruise or face plant from the force.

Two very, very typical things for me.

"Sure Gracie! It's coming Tuesday! See ya G-Dawg."

Coach left, navigating his way through the crowded interior.

I just sorta stood there for a minute, before turning around slowly to face my friends and squeal excitedly.

"Oh god, Gracie, never make that sound again!" Michael complained with a twisted look on his face, with his tan hands pressed to his ears.

"You look constipated." Dana remarked, poking his face.

"Gross, Dana." Kaitlyn said,wrinkling her nose.

Dana shrugged. "Hey, everybody poops.Why not make it public?"

"Would you want to make it public that you are currently pooping?" Jake asked.

"New subject, please." Maggie input.

Soon enough my friends were engaged in a really weird conversation involving public bathrooms, tacos, and Cialka's rather unfortunate inability to speak Spanish.

I sat down again, with a huge smile on my face and looked up at Shaun, who had a matching grin.

"Congrats Gracie."

I grinned and wiggled my hips in my seat a bit, singing "Oh yeah, it's my birthday, ".

Shaun laughed. "Tomorrow I'm coming back here to train. You wanna shred together?" He looked down at his drink, then back at me, slightly nervous.

Shaun, why are you so freaking adorable ALL the time!?

I grinned. "Sure. Why not? We can make it a group thing." I said excitedly.

Shaun's smile seemed to drop,maybe only a fraction of an inch, but I saw it. Does he not like my friends?

I wouldn't really blame him. We're weird.

Like, really weird.

"Yeah. That's a good idea." He agreed, smiling back.

"Fabulous. Can you just tell me what the word is? I give up." I sigh dramatically, falling into the side and slumping against Maggie.

Maggie groans under my weight.

"Ugh, you're heavy! Gerroff!" Maggie cries, flapping her arms like a penguin trying to fly.

"Maggie, dearest, you are not a bird. Stop flapping you're arms before you take someone's eye out." Cialka says grinning, patting Maggie on the head.

"I volunteer Jake as tribute!" Dana cries, pointing at Jake who quickly screeches "Not me!" and ducks to avoid Maggie's flappy arms.

I snorf and look at Shaun who's laughing at our antics.

You know what, world? Maybe you don't suck as much as I thought. Shaun's a pretty cool guy.

'He's also hot.' Mind Gracie says.

'Shut up.' I answer back and continue to look at my crazy friends.

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