Run 5

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"Are you serious? Four!? THAT was the word?" I exclaimed, falling back onto the snow and pulling my goggles off my face.

Shaun flopped down next to me in spread-eagle position. He laughed."Hey, it has four letters!"

I rolled my eyes and grinned, punching him in his arm. Or should I just call it his arm muscle? This dudes lean and skinny but he's got some muscles on him. Welp, I always did say gingers were my type.

"Gingers are your type?" Shaun asked, nudging me with his elbow and grinning, if it was possible, even more.

Well shit. That's what I get for talking to inner Gracie again. 'Just call me the almighty Gracie Guru.' Subconscious Gracie says. Ill just pretend I don't hear her.

"Oh, you know. I like carrots... which are ginger. I guess." I mutter, turning a rather unflattering shade of red. Shaun laughs.

"Carrots? Like that dude from One Direction?" Shaun grins.

I turn even more red, and slap his arm. "Hey!" I say, "One Direction are angels sent from heaven with sexy voices!"

Shaun raises his hand in mock defeat laughing. His laugh is so infectious that I can't help but join in.

It's the best kind of laughter: you know, the kind that has you falling all over the place, with your stomach hurting from the pressure.

Shaun could bring laughter out of everybody.

"Ahh." I sighed as the laughter slowly died out. Its just Shaun and I left at the slopes. All of my friends, and well, I guess his too, left about an hour ago, for more training or home.

Shaun turned his head slightly to look at me, raising an eyebrow slightly. "So what do you think of Nirvana?"


"Ahh..." I breathed out, and randomly burst into laughter as I flopped onto my bed.

Shaun and I had stayed later then I ever have at the slopes, talking and riding and goofing off. Eventually we realized it was getting late and we went to dinner at In-n-Out,before parting ways and going home.

We never seemed to run out of topics. We talked about our friends, careers, likes and dislikes, everything. Shaun is amazing. And I'll see him again tomorrow.

I sighed. Well, no Gracie, you won't because today was just a free day. Tomorrow it's nose to the stone again.

Not that it's a bad thing, I love that. Shaun and I just won't see each other.

"Whatever, Gracie." I muttered to myself, dragging my sorry behind out of bed, grabbing sweats and a tank and heading to the shower. "It's not like Shaun is your boyfriend."

I wrinkled my nose slightly. I don't need a boyfriend.

'Well, Shaun does have red hair, and you always wanted ginger babies.'

"Shut It!"

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