Run 6

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"Alright, that was good. Lets just clean it up a bit."

I sighed and pulled my helmet off, running a hand through my slightly sweaty hair. "Can I see the playback?" I asked Ricky tiredly, who extended his GoPro camera to me.

"Yeah, I can see what you mean. There's a few tactical errors." I said looking up and giving the small black camera to Ricky.

He nodded, thinking. "Maybe instead of that back double mctwist, do a front triple."

I blinked. I've never done one of those before in a competition. Well, there's a first time for everything. That's what Sara said before dragging me out clubbing at least.

Gracie + alcohol = police, refrigerators, and very angry chipmunk squirrel things.

Not a good experience, in any case.

"Gracie?" Rick nudged me,(harder than necessary, I might add) "What d'you think about that?"

I shrugged and adjusted my green beanie. "I think it's gonna be sick if I can pull it off. Wether I can or not, I don't know. Guess we'll find out."

Rick nodded. "We'll practice it and by the time that competition in Calgary comes up, if you can stick it, you can do it."

I grinned and grabbed my board from where it was leaning against the snowmobile next to us. "Sounds like a plan, Stan."

"My name's not Stan." Rick mumbled.

"It was a joke, my dear Watson. Elementary, you know."

"Get on the vehicle, G-Dawg."


"Oh my god, Sara, it sucked!" I moaned on the phone to her as I laid on my bed in sweatpants and a Nirvana tee (it was under my bed; cleanliness is a bit iffy)

Sara laughed."Oh c'mon, it was training, you do it everyday, you love it!"

I can just imagine her in a stylish black lacey thing looking all posh for her hot boyfriend.

Oh my god, that sounded really wrong.

"Yeah," I mumbled and picked at a scab on my big toe. "But today sucked because a) I fell, probably a million times and as a result my whole butt is one giant bruise."

Oh, man, I made the stupid scab bleed again.

Sara snorted. "So? I heard guys like girls with a bit of color."

"I also was not able to see any of my homies today."

"I am hurt, Gracie Ann."

"And," I continued loudly. "I was also not able to see Mr. Hottie McGinger Pants today."

Dammit, I knew I forgot something at the store. And of course, it just HAD to be bandaids.

Sara squealed sharply and I could hear sqeauky noises from the phone, so I bet she's bouncing up and down on her bed. Weirdo.

"Ooh, A hot ginger, who?" Sara screeched excitedly, making me hold the phone away from my ear. "I swear, you just live for this stuff, don't you?" I smirked. That little sap.

I mean yeah, Shaun is hot. Oh, the things I would do to that lean, pale, toned body. Mmm, we'd get it on real good, hot and heavy, and...

Oh my god. Delete. Delete. I did not not just say that. Think that, whatever.

What is wrong with me? I bet it's the blood loss from this STUPID SCAB!


"Gracie? You still there? I need you to tell me everything about this hot ginger! Who is he, what's his name?" Sara asked.

"Sorry, just had a moment."

"Whatever. You may continue." Sara said, shuffling around a bit on the other end of the phone.

"Well he's ginger, hot, um, hot, er... "

I trailed off.

"He's hot and ginger." Sara said thoughtfully. "Ok, got that."

"Uh, he's funny and sweet and a really good snowboarder. Oh my god, he's rad! Can you believe he's sponsored by Burton, Neff, Redbull GoPro, and Forum? And-"

"Gracie, I know absolutely nothing about that. Just tell me the dudes name." Sara sighed.

"Shaun." I said.

"Shaun what?"

"Uh, just Shaun?" That's when I realized that I don't know his last name. Oh my gosh, I forgot his last name? What kind of person am I?

"You don't know his last name?" Sara's voice was laced with incredulity.

"Uh... No." I mumbled. Nice going Gracie. Really well done. How did you manage to do that?

"Well then hurry up, chica! If he's as cute as you say, then better snap him up quickly!"

"Yeah." I muttered, leaning back on my pillow and looking at my glo-bright star covered ceiling. "Yeah, I will."

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