Run 19

1K 36 12

Life is a bit of a bitch sometimes, that you just want to bitch-slap into oblivion. Into bitch oblivion? It's oblivion, bitch!

I don't know.

But anyway, it's like when you're at a restaurant and the cute server asks you; soup or salad? You can't have both, you have to choose. And my theory is that Shaun had a choice too. Giggles or Gracie?

I mean, if I were a guy, Id go for the girl with the nicer hair and cuter clothes. And bigger tits.

And Giggles has glossy hair, Dior jackets, and probably a size C? I'd have to ask Sara on that.

I have ratty hair, old jackets, and a size 34A.

Yep. Which one is the hot guy gonna choose?

I'm okay with that too, you know? I'll be the soup, (cause Shaun is all 'healthy' now) and I'll just retreat into the background with my posse and board.

It's ok. It's all ok, Gracie. It's all ok.


"Hey Gracie! Where ya been, ya crazy dog?" Louie bounded up and wrapped an arm round my shoulder as I trudged toward the chairlift.

"I was in my car, and dog? Really?" I half-heartedly grinned. It's just not the same when Louie is teasing me by himself without you, Shaun.

"Eh." He shrugs. "Can't say cat, I like them better."

"Well you could say p-" I start.

"Nope! We start our mornings with wholesome cereal, not naughty swear words!" Louis slams his hand none-too-gently over my mouth.

"Merphhh" I mumble, resisting the urge to lick his hand. One learns, that when oneself licks Louis' hand, Louis licks said person back.

Which is gross.

"So I'm gonna head over to the pipe, I think, you wanna come?" He asks me, eyes following a pretty ski bunny.

I roll my eyes. Typical.

"Can you let go of my face first?" I mutter from under his glove.

"No," he jokes, then let's go of my face, trying to push me down into the snow. I laugh and retaliate, jamming all my weight into his side, trying to knock him over. I mean, just with height difference alone I think I could. The dudes a shrimp.

"Hey. No playing around by the pipe, it's dangerous." A very familiar voice says flatly, accompanied by a nauseating giggle.

I stay facing forward, bending to my knee to pretend I'm lacing up my boot (which has Velcro straps) to avoid Shaun and Giggles.

"Whoa man, someone's got a stick up their butt." Louis tries to joke.

Shaun just scoffs slightly and walks away, Giggles skipping next to him, arms intertwined.

"Jesus, what's with him these days? He's so fucking intense about everything. Really bumming us all out, you know?" Louis moans, brushing some snow off his board and into me instead.

I shake off the powder and nod.

"I liked the part when you asked him if he had something shoved up his ass, that was a nice touch."

"Thank you, that's why all the girls say I'm classy."

"I don't doubt it for a minute, Louis."


Sooo... It's sort of kinda been awhile? 😁 I'm so sorry!!!!!! I've been working on getting another story here on Wattpad off the ground, and just living life, that I kind of haven't written in awhile.

I didn't forget about you guys, of course, but Gracie...

Well, you can guess what she'd say to me!

Thank you to keeping an interest and hopefully the next chapter will be longer, better, funnier and like a

thousand times sooner!

Love ya!!😘 -Kat

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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