Chapter 1

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The loud Bell rang through the classroom, making me jump as I was ripped out of my daydream. I sighed as I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder lazily. The crowd of screaming teenagers surrounded me as I walked as slow as possible out of the school building. I was really dreading going back home. Don't get me wrong, I didn't like school at all. I had no friends and just blended into the background really, avoiding all human contact possible, which wasn't hard since nobody ever talked to me. But as much as I hate school, I hate being home even more. I had the option to take the bus home but I always walked because it took longer and that way I get fifteen minuets of peace and quiet to myself. For the brief time that I walk home I slip into another world. One that was still bad, but not as bad as the real one I've been forced to live in. I played Muse, my favorite band, through my headphones as I sludge along the pavement. I always put two earbuds in and blasted the music as loud as I could, it helped me get my mind off things. I was walking in peace while mouthing along to my favorite song when I was suddenly pushed forcefully onto the ground. My earbuds got knocked out and my heart was beating quickly from the sudden shock. I turned to see what happened. There was a car speeding down the street ahead of me, but that's all I saw. There was no person standing there like I expected there to be. Whoever it was just saved my life, I wish they hadn't, whoever they were. I hated my life but I was too much of a coward to end it myself. The most I've done is cut my wrist but not deep enough to kill me. Everyday I don't kill myself I regret it and tell myself I'll do it tomorrow. Typical me, procrastinating everything and anything no matter how bad I wanted it.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off of my jeans, looking around one last time to make sure nobody was there, they must have ran off after they pushed me. But the weird thing is it didn't feel like hands pushing me, it felt more like a force. It's hard to describe but nothing touched me, I was just forced down like a huge gust of wind knocked me out of the way. I shook it off, this isn't the first time something weird like this has happened to me. Whenever I'm in a situation that could kill me something always happens to get me out of it. I hate it, why can't I just die already? I'm so sick of this pathetic life I live.

I sighed as my house came into sight, knowing what lies behind those old doors. My house was a mess, you could tell just by looking at it from the outside. The paint was chipped and it was falling apart at the seams, literally. My mom didn't care though, all she cared about was her drugs. I slowly trudged up the driveway, the old door creaked loudly as I opened it. The first thing I saw was my mom passed out on the couch surrounded by empty bottles of wine. I closed the door and quickly walked to my room before she woke up. She wasn't exactly a happy drunk, at all. She was terrifying and she was almost always drunk and even when she wasn't she was still bloody awful. Most people think that the father is the abusive drunk, since that's the stereotype, but not in this case. My dad walked out after my younger brother was born. He didn't want me in the first place so when the second one arrived two years later, he wasn't happy. So my mom was stuck with us, well, now she's just stuck with me... I don't know why she didn't just drop me at a home, it would have been so much better for the both of us.

"Daniel!" I jumped and spun around quickly, I didn't hear my mom come up the stairs until she swung my door open, the doorknob smashing into the already dented wall from all the other times she's slammed my door open to attack me or all the times I've slammed my door open to run from her. I gulped and my body started to tremble. She walked closer to me until her alcohol scented breath brushed across my face. She placed her cigarette in her mouth and took a big inhale before exhaling the smoke all over my face. I had no reaction to it, I was so used to the scent that it didn't even bother me anymore.

"Well, aren't ya gonna say anything?!" My mum spat. I wasn't sure what to say. To be honest I'm not sure what I did. That's one of the most scary things about mum, sometimes she fights just because she likes to and these fights always end with me covered in multiple bruises and scars. I could fight back, there's no doubt about that. I'm much taller than her and have more strength, but it's my fear of her that makes me weak.

"That's what I thought." She said with the most menacing chuckle before pressing the end of her cigarette into my bare neck. I let out a small scream of pain and jumped back, which didn't help since I was about a foot from the wall to begin with.

"What? You a pussy?" My mum walked closer to me and their was nothing I could do since I was already pressed against the wall.  She slapped me roughly across the face, again, I was used to this. "Come on, fight back." She hit me again but harder this time with the back of her hand, making me wince. She quickly grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground. I screamed as her foot swung into my stomach.

"This is what you get when you don't fight back, pussy." She swung at my gut again and I let out a choked scream.

"Please..." I begged as a few tears fell down my face and soaked into the stained carpet.

"What now you're being for mercy? Huh, where did I go wrong with you?" She kicked me again. "Should've told that man to wear a condom." I wish you did. She swung at me twice, the second one hitting my chin and my lower jaw was slammed into my upper.

"Get on your feet." I hesitated, I knew this was only going to get worse and I was scared. "Now!" I jumped and stumbled onto my feet shakily. "Hit me." My mum always did this, I'm not sure why. I think she just wanted an excuse to beat me more. I stood there silently and looked at my feet.
"Hey," She snapped in my face. "I said hit me, pussy. I'm sure you want to. I mean, I beat the living hell out of you all the time, never mind what I did to your brother-" I swung my hand up and backhanded her with more force than I thought I had. I instantly regretted it. She kept her head facing to the right for a few seconds before she slowly turned her head back to face me. I weakened under her gaze and hoped she would just kill me this time.

"Not bad." She shrugged before kicking my shin with her pointy shoes and swiping my legs from under me so I collapsed onto the floor. "So that's what gets a rise out of you? When I talk about your brother?" I closed my eyes and waited for her to hit me again, but all that came after that was an evil snicker. "Figures, it's not my fault what happened to him ya know." She took another puff of her cigarette, the grey smoke dissolving into the air and filling the room with the dreadful scent I've grown standard to. I somehow worked up the courage to stand on my feet and look her dead in the eyes that looked much like my own but more faded, as if she was dead.

"Bullshit! You gave him to that man that night even though he begged you not to let him take him! But no you don't give a shit about anything! You just wanted him off your hands so you handed him to a fucking rapist!" She slapped me across the face.

"It ain't my fault the little fag decided to slice his wrist!"

"Yes, it is your fucking fault! You don't get it that that night you handed him over was what pushed him over the edge! No, actually I think you do get it, you just don't care." I pushed past her and marched out of the room before she could see the tears streaming down my face. I hated her more for what she did do Avery than what she does to me. In a way I was jealous of my brother, at least he had the balls to end his own life. Meanwhile I'm sitting here hoping that one day I'll just die, but it won't happen. With my luck I'll break the world record for oldest man to ever live. I locked myself in the bathroom and balled my eyes out. Again, this was nothing new, it was just part of my daily routine for the past 16 years of my life.


A/N: Hello people! So I thought of this story one day and thought that it might be interesting? I already have ten chapters written but I want to see if anyone likes the story before I post more. So if you did please vote!

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