Chapter 24

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*Phil's POV*

"Hey, Phil-"

"Sorry, I can't talk right now." I cut Louis off as I continued walking. I've been very stressed and nervous all day. It's Dan's birthday and I want everything to be perfect for him. He's never really celebrated his birthday. His parents obviously didn't care and he had no friends. His brother would pick him up a small gift of some sort, but that was as good as it got. I want him to see what it's like to have an actual birthday party surrounded by people who care about him.

"Oh, wait!" I stopped and spun around. "I'm throwing a surprise party for Dan tonight. It's at my place at five, I'd really appreciate it if you could stop by."

"So that's why you've been so stressed." She smirked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I came off as rude earlier. I just- I want everything to be perfect." I sighed.

"You really like him, don't you?" A sudden jolt of fear coursed through my entire body. Doe's she know? That's silly, of course she doesn't. What if she figures it out? Shut up, just play it cool.

"Well, yeah. I've been his guardian for the past two years of his life, you tend to care alot about them. Plus I just want to show that I'm a good friend, you know?"

"Right." She dragged out the "i" as if she thought I was lying. I thought it was best to just drop it there before she could prod at me any more.

"So can you make it?"

"I'll be there." She chuckled lightly.

"Awesome, thank you." After that I headed off to finish planning. I've already invited some people. I know PJ, Chris and Tyler are coming. I'm still waiting on Troye's response but he said he's pretty sure he can make it. Obviously Avery and his girlfriend will be there too. Athena's making the cake and I've asked everyone who's coming to bring a snack, so the foods all taken care of. Now I just have to figure out what to get him. What does he like? Video games, anime music, aesthetically pleasing things, he's also pretty fond of llamas. I walked into a shop called "Thalamos" They usually have pretty cool stuff in there. The first thing that caught my eye was a llama hat. I giggled as I picked it up and threw it into the cart. I also got him an aesthetic flower crown that I thought would look cute on him. One scented candle and a giant box of maltesers later and I was on my way back home to wrap everything. Louis stopped by to help me decorate. I told everybody to start showing up around four so we can set everything up and hide before Dan gets here.

"Whens Dan supposed to come?" Tyler asked excitedly as I was checking over everything took make sure everything was in place.

"Soon." Right when I said that my phone went off.

From Dan<3

"Open up dork"

"Shhi- Everybody hide! Troye, hit the lights!" I whisper shouted. Everybody hid quickly and Troye shut off the lights. I responded to Dan once everyone was hidden saying that the door was open so he knows he can just walk in. About five seconds later we heard the door click.

"What the-"

"SURPRISE!" We all jumped up and shouted as he switched the lights on. Some people even had party popper for extra emphasis. Dan yelped and jumped back since we probably scared him. He just stood there, eyes wide and his lips parted slightly. He was wearing his typical black on black with his hair curled, he clearly wasn't expecting anyone else to be here or he would've straightened it. He hates his curls but I think they're beautiful.

Everyone greeted him and wished him a happy birthday. I let everyone else go first before I went up to him. He was wearing the biggest smile I've ever seen and an adorable blush scattered across his cheeks. That alone made me smile, I love seeing him happy.

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