Chapter 9

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It was eight-thirty when I woke up very tired the next morning from a long night of thinking, specifically about Phil. I just don't get it. Phils my friend, but Louise is also my friend yet I don't feel the same way around her as I do around Phil. I don't get it, maybe if I had friends when I was alive this would all be so much easier. When I'm around Louise I feel comfortable and happy, I can joke with her and act stupid. I was relaxed around her as if my worries had just drifted away. But with Phil, I feel the same but in a different way. He makes me feel comfortable, minus the goosebumps that always cover my skin when he's around. He makes me happy, so happy that I literally never stop smiling when he's around. I can joke with him but not in the same stupid embarrassing way I do with Louise and if I do I feel quite embarrassed after even though he always laughs along. He makes me feel relaxed in a way that I always want to be around him.

But there's more.

He makes my heart flutter and my stomach flip. The constant need to impress him is always there and I don't know why. He makes me nervous, but not in a bad way.

I don't know what these feelings mean, and it scares me.

I jumped up when my door swung open with a loud bang.

"Phil? What the-" I stopped when he cupped my face and collided his lips with mine. I was shocked, my eyes widened and I didn't kiss back at first, still trying to process the whole situation. I soon gave in and started it kiss back. Our tongues fought for dominance as Phil slowly leaned back, not stopping until my back was pressed against the mattress again. He swung his leg over me and deepened the kiss.

I knew this was wrong, especially where we were. But in this moment, I didn't care and I don't think he did either.

He lowered his lips to my neck, which usually I don't like people touching, but this felt different. I closed my eyes in pure bliss.

When I opened my eyes, Phil was gone.

I sat up and looked around. The door was closed and my lips weren't wet or swollen like they were only a few seconds ago. I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

Eight-thirty am.

It was a dream.

It was just a dream.

I actually just dreamt about that.

Before I knew it tears started streaming down my face like the Glen Canyon Dam just broke and all the water was flowing out all at once.

What am I going to do?


A/N: Really really short and crappy chapter but I needed to post this because there are key points in here that are important and it will tie the last chapter and the next one together well. So hope you liked it! Thanks for reading!  

Heavens rainbowМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя