Chapter 2

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The piercing sound of the school Bell ring through my ears. Some of the kids chanted as they gathered their stuff and left the classroom for lunch. I on the other hand waited patiently for the classroom to empty. Once everyone else was out I exited into the hallway. I didn't go to lunch, I had no money to buy food anyways. If my mum decided to buy groceries then sometimes I would have dinner but that's about it. I wandered the empty hallways as I usually do during this hour. The school was so peaceful when there wasn't a swarm of teenagers stampeding through the hallways. I wish I could live here. I could just hide in the attic and not have to worry about seeing my mum every day. Maybe they have a rope up there so I could hang myself, that  would probably be the easiest since you just have to jump and you can't go back.

"Hey, you!" I was pulled from my thoughts as a hand was snapped in front of my face. I looked up to face the bald man, who didn't look very nice.

"What're you doing out here? It's lunch." The man spat at me. I think he was a history teacher.

"Oh sorry. I was just, um, going to the bathroom." I lied.

"You have a pass?"

"No, sorry."

"Then get back to the cafeteria." I nodded and turned around. I could hear the man tutting to himself as I walked as slowly as I could down the hallway. I turned back around and the man was gone, thank God. No way was I going into the cafeteria, just the idea of it scared me. All the kids talking and shouting with their friends while I would waltz in there not knowing where to go or what to do as I prayed nobody would notice the tall nerd in all black standing mindlessly.

 On my walk back down the empty corridor I found a pound, lucky day for me I guess. I felt kind of bad taking it but I really needed food, I haven't eaten anything in a few days besides water and some crackers. I flattened out the bill so the machine would take it without a problem. I decided I should probably get the most nutritional option available, which wasn't easy since most of the snack options were chips and soda. I decided on a granola bar and watched as the machine spun the metal wire and dropped it. I haven't eaten in so long that I almost puked when I took my first bite, but I forced myself to eat it. I managed to go the rest of lunch without getting yelled at by any more teachers.

The students bumped into me on my way to class as if I wasn't even there. They could obviously see me for I was taller than most of the kids at the height of six feet and counting. But I liked it this way, being invisible to people was my goal. If anyone ever noticed me then they might notice my scares, whether they're from myself or my mum, and I really didn't need that kind of attention on me. Or any attention. Like I said, I like blending into the background. Even the teachers didn't notice me, they would never call on me in class to do anything. I always did my work and got good grades, not good enough to be recognized for it, just good enough so I wouldn't bring attention to myself and it worked pretty well. The most I've been talked to at school this week, besides getting in trouble with the bald man in the hallway, was my English teacher saying I did a good job on my poem. Guess I was good at this pretending I doing exist thing. I did like writing poetry, it was a way to release my feelings without people raising questions at me. Most of the stuff I wrote was dark and depressing but nobody ever asked me about it. Of course their was always that one teacher that would ask if I was okay in which I would just smile and say yes. If they asked anything further and forced me to have a conversation I would just say that Edgar Allen Poe wrote about the most evil and dark events ever yet he was completely sane. They never asked any further questions after that. The bell rang again to signal that the period had started.

Only two more periods until I have to go home, yay.


A/N: This was just a fluff chapter but more interesting chapters are ahead! Please vote if you liked it and comment telling me what you think so far!

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