Chapter 14

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Day 1:

I'm not sure what's going to happen today and quite frankly, I'm terrified. I don't know how I'm getting to Earth, I don't know how I'm supposed to know who Chris is and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I wish that Phil was here to help me, but no. I had to go and fuck up everything. Oh well, too late now.

I was on my way to see Jesus so I could get some idea about what I was doing. He told me to meet him in the park . Well, he didn't tell me, but I just knew. Communication is weird here and I don't understand it even after living here for two whole months. I strolled into the park and saw Jesus waiting patiently by a tall oak tree.

"Daniel! Excited for your first day?" Jesus smiled, he was always so happy and optimistic.

"Sure." I lied with a chuckle.

"Very good! So you will get the Earth by saying a charm. 'me in terram.' You will then be transported to Earth where you will see the boy you are guarding." I repeated the term over and over again in my head in hopes that it would stick. "Now, you don't need to stay on Earth the whole time. When you say 'novis' you will be transported back to heaven. But you will always be able to see what's going on with Chris. It's hard at first, but you will figure out how to control it. Perhaps Philip could help you with that." I winced at his name and tried not to express my emotions on my face which were slowly building up. "Something wrong?"

"Oh, no. Everything's fine." I lied. "Just, nervous is all."

"Perfectly normal." Jesus assured. "You'll be fine. Everyone is nervous for their first time, but they all do a great job. I wouldn't have given you this job if I didn't think you could do it." His confidence in me reminded me of Phil. Phil always believed in me, even when no one else would. He was always there and I know that now. I remember the sudden shudders of warmth I would feel was at my worst, but back then I thought nothing of it and just brushed it off.

"Well, you should get going now." Jesus said while looking towards the sky as if there was a clock there. I looked up also to see what he was looking at.

"Sir I-" When I looked back towards the ground, he was gone. Strange. I murmured the saying he told me to myself several times to make sure I got it right. My heart was pounding like a drum, my body shaking with every beat. I whipped my sweaty palms on my black jeans and closed my eyes to focus.

"me in terram." I said loud and clear. I didn't feel any different. The same silence surrounded me, the temperature didn't change one bit and it felt as if I didn't go anywhere. But when I opened my eyes, I was back on Earth. I was on a sidewalk of a long back-road. The air was cold and the trees were a multitude of colors from red to orange to brown. It was a beautiful Autumn day in what looked like an upper-middle-class neighborhood.

After I finished taking in my surroundings, I started thinking. Where do I go now? They told me I would know, but how do I know? Do I just go with my gut?

I followed the sidewalk all the way down and stumbled across a high school. I felt like I should check it out a bit more, so I did. The school wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It was a normal size of any public high school and looked much better than my old one did. I reached for the handle to open the door, but it wouldn't open. Great. I tugged on the handle bar probably about ten times before throwing my arms up in frustration. I went to snatch the handle one last time, but I didn't grab it. My hand went right through the door. I pulled back quickly with a jump. I slowly reached my hand back towards the door, and it went through again. I could see my hand through the glass on the other side. This is the weirdest fucking thing. I stepped forwards and part of me was scared that I would get stuck in the door, but that didn't happen. My body was fully through the door and on the other side.

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