Chapter 8

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"Wait, wait." I laughed while sitting criss-crossed on Phils bed, himself sitting next to me. I breathed heavily in attempt to halt my laughter. I tried to raise my middle finger again but it wouldn't go up and instead raised my ring finger. Usually I would find it scary to not have control over my body, but this was quite amusing to me. I burst into a fit of laughter again.

"I told you you couldn't do it." Phil giggled while covering his mouth.

"Thats crazy!" I whipped a tear from my eye from laughing so hard . I was enjoying myself a little too much. I couldn't tell you when the last time I laughed this hard was, nevermind with a friend.

A friend.

I have a friend.

I've never had a friend in my whole life. Yes, I had my brother for most of it, but I mean a friend that isn't related to me. I never knew how real friends could make you feel. How they make your heart flutter and you stomach turn, in a good way. How he could make me fluster and I always felt the need to impress him. These friendly feeling are weird, at least to me since I've never had a friend and all their feelings are new to me, but I liked it. I felt like I meant something to someone, and that was a feeling I really have never experienced, and it was amazing.

I looked up at Phil who was smiling at me, almost in admiration which forced a light blush to spread over my cheeks and my heart did that thing where it feels like it skipped a beat. The feeling lasted for only a second but I clung onto it for several more. I guess I was like an accomplishment to him, since he'd gone all his life seeing me so sad, seeing me like this must make him proud.

"This is nice." I thought out loud. Phil nodded with the same look of admiration painted all over his face, making me blush all over again. Without realizing I stumbled into his ocean blue eyes and got completely lost at sea, but I didn't even care. I took in the salty scent of the sea water and admired the lovely shade of blue the ocean was along with some green strands of seaweed beings lightly shoved along by the calming waves. I relaxed and felt of pure bliss until a gust of winds came darting my way. Phils breath swifted gently across my face, sending a chill up my spine as I realized how close we were. My stomach turned in that weird way that felt good. I tried not to but I couldn't help but look down at his lips, which were no more than an inch from mine. My lips gaped, I felt like I was focusing so hard yet not focusing at all.

All of a sudden I was sucked back into the ocean where a huge wave hit me out of the blue, making me toss and turn and gasp for air as I was being pushed down and around, the salt burning my lungs.

I fixed my fringe anxiously and scooted a few inches away from Phil. For a split second I could've sworn I saw disappointment in his eyes, but it was there and gone so fast that I didn't have enough time to process it.

"So um, random question."

"As usual." Phil joked and I giggled kind of awkwardly.

"Wheres Jesus? I mean, I expected to come up here and see him walking around being like 'See this fish? Now it's bread!' Or whatever he did." This earned a light hearted laugh from Phil before he responded.

"He turned bread to fish. Did you ever read the bible?" Phil laughed.

"No, I didn't believe in it so I never took interest in reading it."

"Yeah, I have obviously read it but there's still some things I don't agree with." For some reason I took a great interest in what he just said. I turned my whole body to face him and leaned forward on my elbows so I was looking up at him, which I liked.

"Like what?" Phil bit his lip and looked as if he was pondering for the right words to say.

"The, um, lgbt thing."He sounded almost nervous, like I was going to judge him on his opinion. I obviously would never do that, I'm not that kind of person.

"Same, actually." Phil's face brightened, he didn't smile but you could see how relieved he was that I agreed with him. I gave him a slight smile which he returned. "So, how does that work here?" I asked quietly, like I was scared someone would hear us. Phil looked down and played with his thumbs in his lap.

"I don't know, I've been too scared to ask." He mumbled and my eyes softened for him. I felt like I should change the subject or brighten it up since he seemed to be getting a little upset.

"Well, the bible does say that God loves everyone. And since the story of Christ was passed down verbally for thousands of years before someone decided to write it down there was definitely mistakes in translation and such." Although I was trying to comfort him the tension in the air was still very thick. It went silent for a few seconds until Phil cleared his throat to grab my attention.

"Dan, can I tell you something?" Those words alone were enough to scare me to death, if I wasn't already dead. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but it was stubborn and remained there. We seemed to be getting closer again.

"Um, uh m-maybe another time. I have to go, um, meet up with Avery." I made an excuse and bolted out the door before he could even respon. I restrained myself from looking back at him. I looked down at my hands which were trembling along with my body. There were too many emotions bouncing around my head all at once. I didn't know what they meant or what the consequences might be. This was all too much too soon.

The best thing I can do now is run.


A/N: Short chapter, sorry. :/ I know this seemed like fluff but there were some key points in here I had to make for later on More is coming so if you liked it please vote and tell me what you think! Thanks so much for reading!  

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