Chapter 12

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Louise stood with her mouth gaped as the guards lead me out of the house. My head hung low and I slowly trudged my feet on the pavement, my action was quickly corrected with a forceful shove to the back by the large guard behind me.

If I was back on Earth, this would be a dream come true. Being taken away by two scary men who are most likely leading me to my death. But I'm not on Earth anymore and for the first time in my life, I was happy. But I should've known that wouldn't last long, it never did. I should've just kept my mouth shut. What was I thinking? Talking about having feelings for a boy while I'm in heaven, the place that is most known for being homophobic. I'm a complete idiot.

"Take my hand." The curly haired guard extended his left arm towards me. I blinked and looked at him with confusion.


"Nothing weird." The guard joked, the ends of his lips curling just slightly. "This will just get us there faster." Get us there faster? What were we going to do? Teleport? I brushed those questions aside, they weren't the most important questions to ask right now.

"Get us where?" I asked anxiously.

"Just trust me." The guard peered at me through the top of his glasses and for a second I could see his dominantly green eyes with a hint of blue. He was wearing a smile on his lips and I'm not sure why, but in that moment I trusted him. I hesitantly placed my hand in his and he squeezed it comfortably. I blinked, it wasn't a long blink, but in the millisecond my eyes were shut we had been transported into another area. I looked around, shock and confusion dominating my emotions and being displayed dramatically on my features.

"Pretty cool, isn't it?" The guard smirked. I didn't acknowledge him and kept looking in all directions. There weren't many houses near hear, there was one rather large building down the street with angel wings spread dramatically on the front and afew more building that were also quite large. It was weird, it was like a city except each building was at least thirty meters apart.

I turned around to see a rather large building behind me. It was white with dark wood trim and the roof was dome-shaped. The front ledge had a large cross on it that was made out of wood. This wood didn't match the fancy aesthetic of the building, it was old, uneven and broken down. I could even see bits of blood on each end of the cross, minus the top middle one. The building was surrounded by long flowing grass and beautiful wild flowers, adding a cozy feeling to the structure. The guard nodded his head towards the building and began to walk up the stairs, I followed hesitantly after. I grew more and more nervous with each step we took towards the large double door. My stomach was turning, my heart was racing, and not in a good way, I felt as if I could projectile vomit at any second. I stopped as soon as I reached the top of the stairs. The guard was about to knock on the door but stopped himself just in time when he noticed my empty precance. He turned towards me, his eyebrows raised in question.

"You coming?"

I stood there with my breath caught in my throat, unable to form any words and barely able to breath. I was shaking so bad you would think I was standing on my own personal earthquake. The sound of my heart beat radiated through my body and filled my ears, causing all other sound around me to go dull. The guard said something but his shouts were only soft whispers to me. My vision started to blur and I was losing my balance quickly. At this point the guard realised something was wrong and rushed towards me, grabbing my shoulders in attempt to stop me from falling, but it was no use. I knew I was slipping out of consciousness so the best thing he could do right now is liye me on the ground so I don't slam my head against the pavement. Cause as I've said before, I may be in heaven, but you can still feel pain here. Both physical and emotional. You just can't die.

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