Chapter 22

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*Chris's POV*

After I killed myself, I wasn't expecting to wake up. I nearly panicked when I found out I was still alive, I didn't want to be alive. I didn't want to go back home. But then I looked around and realized I wasn't on my bedroom floor or in a hospital. Where am I? How did I end up in some field? I observed my surroundings and noticed a man standing not to far from me. I tried to speak up, but I was too nervous. I don't talk a lot when I'm anxious, not sure why, so I tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around really quickly and all I saw was a hand coming at me, so I cowered but to my surprise, I didn't feel a slap.

"Oh God, sorry. I'm so sorry." The boy apologized quickly. I looked up to see who exactly was talking. He had brown, slightly curly, hair styled into a fring and matching eyes. His skin was relatively pale with a couple freckles scattered randomly across his face. He was pretty, to say the least, and very tall. Even for me, being over six foot. He told me that I was, apparently, in heaven. I was silent and he was awkward. I probably should've talked to him, but God, I'm just so terrified. I don't know what's going on and I hate not knowing things, it makes me anxious. But what I do know is that my father is nowhere in sight, so this can't be that bad. The boy is also, as I said, very pretty and I get nervous around pretty people. We walked for a bit after he tried to explain everything to me. He was very awkward, but it was kind of cute. After a bit of walking and a couple glances at the boy only to quickly shake my head afterwards to repress some thought that shouldn't be there, we arrived at a somewhat see through wall. The boy offered me his hand and I hesitantly took it. Not because I was nervous he would hurt me, it was more because I was scared of how it would make me feel. As expected, I got a slight stomach flip, but that's probably just because I'm nervous about this whole heaven thing. I'm still not completely convinced this was real. We walked through the wall where we were greeted by a curly haired lad with green eyes and a pointed smile. He was also very pretty. Why is everyone pretty here?

I was currently walking with that PJ guy who approached us after we went through the wall. He seemed nice and was very talkative, I already felt more comfortable around him. Not that I don't like that other guy. It's just, every time he looked at me he looked like he was going to cry. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but I was too scared to talk.

"So, what brings you here?" I snapped out of my daze at Peejs question.

"Hm?" I blinked.

"Sorry, I should elaborate further. How did you die? If you don't mind me asking." He asked carefully. I furrowed my eyebrows for a second before remembering that I am in fact, in heaven.

"Oh, um, I was in a car crash." I lied, I didn't want to tell him the truth. I don't like people pitying me and that's always the look I get when people find out I'm depressed. The boy stopped in his tracks so I did too. He squinted his eyes at me with furrowed brows, inspecting me. I couldn't help but blush as he did so.

"You don't have any scars?" He stated questionably, as if I should obviously have them. "Certainly if the crash was strong enough to kill you, you would have scars." Scars? I thought this was heaven, isn't everyone supposed to be perfect and healed here?

"What do you mean 'scars'?" I asked both from curiosity and to change the subject.

"You keep your scars from you life as a reminder of your past. It's so you don't forget the life you lived and what you've been through. A way to accept what happened and move foward." PJ informs. I swallowed thickly as I remembered all the times I cut my arms. They probably scared, shit.

"Do, um, do the scars go away?" I asked nervously.

"It's possible, but very hard to do. This is gonna sound wicked cheesy." Pj chuckled. "Scars only start to heal when there is a special bond between two people and through that bond is a love strong enough to do anything. It's not your typical 'falling in love' thing, it doesn't even have to be in a romantic way. It's a bit hard to explain, but most things are here." I nodded in understanding to his words. I hope I get that connection with someone, anyone, so I can get rid of these scars.

Peej showed me around for the rest of the day and I've grown quite fond of him in a short period of time. I often forgot about my scars or even that I was in heaven. I was just happily living in the moment.

I think I'm gonna like it here.


A/N: This chapter was so short and crappy but I kind of wanted you guys to know what was going through Chris' head. It'll go back to Dan and Phil the next chapter for some cute fluff. Thanks for reading!  

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