One day left till' Dragon Season...

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Lucy's pov:

I checked the calendar and gulped.1 more day till' Dragon Season Starts...I wonder who are the boys mates?Maybe Laxus Cana?Nope!Maybe Mira..Yup!Definitely her and Laxus as a couple!They would be soo cute!*Squeals*I then enter matchmaking mode,curtesy of Mirajane turning me to be like her.So the pairs would be:


Laxus x Mirajane

Gajeel x Levy

Sting x Yukino

Rouge x Kagura

Natsu x Lisanna

Cobra x Kinana


I squeal in delight at the thought of my boys finally going to get girlfriends."Heya Lu?You ok?You've been squealing ,having hearts in your eyes,and been writing furiously on a piece of paper.So ,would you kindly share with us guys with what the fu-","No swearing Lucas! It's bad for the soul!"I cut him off.I've never really been the swearing type but I can swear if I put my mind to it.Recently I've been changing all swear words to my name,for example:"Oh my Lucy" or "Lucy you!".I chuckle at the thought and both boys look at me in curiosity and I told them what I was thinking about.They too chuckle and shake their heads.

"So as I was saying ,before I was soo rudely interrupted,"Lucas says,sending me a playful glare.I just looked at him innocently,smiling.He just shook his head,"would you care to enlighten us guys with what the Lucas you were talkin' bout'?"I giggle at how he changes the swear word with his name.Marcus just chuckles along,shaking his head at his brother for playing along with me.

"Well,since you asked nicely Lucas..." I said eyeing Lucas. He just gave me a grin. I giggled." I was thinking of who would be the boys' mates, y'know? Cause' there's still one more day till' Dragon Season,so i was writing down pairings of the boys and their mates!" I exclaimed,showing them the paper.

"I swear your just like the Demon Matchmaker Mirajane..." Sighed Marcus. "Gee,thanks Marcus!" I said to him,note the sarcasm."Your welcome!" He exclaimed,smiling down at me. I had a tick mark now. Just before I was going to attack him,Lucas said something that would've normally concerned me if it could potentialy ruin my game of hide n 'seek." When Dragon Season starts,wouldn't the season heightened their sense and stuff? Like grow wings and horns? Wouldn't that be a advantage to them so they could find us very easily?" Concluded Lucas.Marcus nodded in agreement." Yeah babe,he's got a point there." Said Marcus.

"Oh,it will surely be to their advantage! That's why it'll be much more fun playing chase with them when they find us!" I squeal at the thought. I've always liked to play games! You can call me:'The Game's Master' !

"So..Game Master..what do you propose we do now?" Said Marcus. I blushed pink.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did Lu~" Said Lucas,chuckling when I blushed a bright red color now.

Oops. Well I really need to stop thinking out loud.

"Yes you do Babe."Said Marcus. I blushed a deep red now."Stop it!" I shout at them." Yea yea Lu~ Well good night,sleep tight and don't let the dragons find you!" Said Lucas. I giggled at him and his words." Yeah,night." Said Marcus. I said good night to them too and we all went inside our tents and retired for the day.

I wonder whats gonna happen tomorrow? Hopefully it's something exciting!

~Time skip:The next day; at the guild~

Erza's pov:

*Sigh* We still haven't found Lucy yet.. She really is good at this,I wonder when will I get to play games with her? I also want to go and hide!*Sigh*Yesterday was such a busy day...1)I had to plan with the guild masters on how to find Lucy. 2) I had to help Jellal with his problem,which is sewing new pants for him as he was getting a growth spurt and his pants were getting small(didn't expect that did you?). 3) The*Ahem*problem with the dragon slayers. How it happened? I don't know how. But all I knew is that I'm scarred for life! I didn't want to see that till' I got a husband! Arghh! Damm you dragon slayers!

I'm not gonna curse out loud cause Wendy is here. So innocent... I was lost in my thoughts until Levy came up to me and started to shake me out of my thoughts." Erza! The guys! Their messing up the infirmary! Hurry Erza! Stop them!" Said Levy. I had a dark aura around me as I marched towards the infirmary. The whole guild was quite and all you could hear was me marching and the racket in the infirmary. Stuff being broken was heard as I neared the door. I slammed it open and was greeted by a chair thrown at my face.

"Ahem. What do you think you're doing?" I asked them,threats laced in my voice." We want Blondie..." Said Laxus,making eye contact with me." And by wrecking the whole place,you think Lucy is just gonna waltz in here? Remember,if you want you mate back ,you have to find her first." I reminded them. They all groaned and fell on their beds. Now that they were behaving,I took time to examine them. They had horns,scales,claw like hands,wings and dragon like tails." Hey Gajeel,since dragon season is tomorrow,do you have heightened senses? If so then we can find Lucy and her friends faster! And you can be with your mate." I said as I emphasised the words 'with' and 'mate'.

That seemed to get them on board as Rouge immediately stood up with Sting." Hurry up and lets go! The sooner we find her, the sooner we can be with her!" Exclaimed Sting." Yeah! I wanna be with Luce! Every time she's here,somethings bound to happen! Hurry up you slow pokes! I wanna go on more adventures with Luce~!" Said(more like whined) Natsu." Yeah,that is true.. Let's go find her fast! What do ya' say Cobra?" Said Gajeel. Cobra just grunted and stood up. Laxus looked around and finally stood up to only walk towards the door." What are you idiots waiting for? Let's go find Blondie!" He barked as he stood infront of the door. I smiled. Somethings never change.

And with that,we start the official search for Lucy.

Lucy's Harem (Fairy Tail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now