Chapter 16

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We're all cramped into the little room that has now been named my crime lab.

How are we all in here you might ask? The answer is quiet simple. It's not as small as you think it is. No it's not big enough for a party or something like that, but we can comfortably hang out in.

Maya turns to me after staring at everything for a long while. "You really thought it was me and/or Smakle?"

I shrug. "I mean you guys were prime suspects at one point. Now I know it wasn't you guys though," I explain.

Her and Smakle nod both saying that it's fair to think that.

Zay and Lucas are both working on writing down any other theories and notes to put up on to the board.

Riley is sitting in one of the beanbags that we brought from one of my extra rooms to make it feel more homey in here. She seems to be thinking about something.

I pull up a seat and sit next to her. I ask, "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

She smiles at me then looks away getting a sad look on her face. "What did I do that's so bad? Why? Does someone want to make my life a living hell?"

"Riles," I whisper pulling her to me, "You can't think about that. It's going to make you go insane with all of the different possibilities."

"Maybe I've already gone a little mad," she tells me with a sad laugh.

"Nothing wrong with being a little crazy, just as long as it's not taking over your whole being."

She sighs and leans into me. "I hate that I can't argue with your logic," she tells me with a sigh.

I laugh at her when Zay calls over to the evidence wall. We stand and go over to the rest of the group when Zay explains, "I think I've figured out where Charlie went."

He grabs some papers that they just printed out and flipped it so we can all see. "These are the messages that Smakle found with his username. It has a lot of cryptic shit, but he constantly refers to the old hospital a few blocks from school."

"It might be a long shot, but I think it could be it," Lucas adds.

"We should at least check it out," Riley tells us.

"Okay," I agree. "But I think we should bring some stuff just in case something like what happened at school happens. Especially if Charlie is there and it was him."

"Yeah," Maya chimes in, "We'll need flashlights and some weapons that aren't  necessarily weapons in case the cops catch us."

We nod in agreement. I lead everyone out of my room and find enough backpacks, flashlights, and gardening tools for all of us.

Next we run to Lucas' car and he drives to the place where Charlie might be. It's not long before we file out and stand at the gate trying to find the safest way in.

"I did some research and the place is thoroughly abounded meaning that there's no real surveillance and police officers rarely come by here. Everyone online agrees that the easiest way to get in would be to find the hole in the fence that faces a broken window and we're pretty much in," Smakle shares with us as we walk around trying to find the hole.

Maya finds it and we go in one at a time. I then take the lead with Riley, Zay, Smakle, Maya, and Lucas, in that order, behind me. There's broken glass on the window, so I use my flashlight to get rid of as much as I can then use my jacket to that we can go over the rest of the glass on there.

We all get in and slip my jacket back on and tm turn on my flashlight. We're in what seems to be maternity ward, or what's left of it anyways.

"I'll take the lead," Smakle says, "I know how to get to where he most likely is."

"And I'll stay behind her since I think I know the layout pretty well," Zay insists.

They both go in front of me and we continue onward.

It doesn't take long for us to start feeling the creepy atmosphere the hospital gives. The dark plus all the old equipment makes the place look ten times creepier than it already is. I half expect to see ghosts walking about the place.


We jump and turn to see what that was. Lucas say he thinks it was the wind pushing an old door shut. I nod and motion to continue before something else happens.

The group moves quicker than before mostly out of fear. Not that I blame them since I am just as scared as them. When did our lives get so crazy that we had to do things like break into abandoned hospitals?


The sound of crunching glass fills the air. Then stops suddenly.

"Charlie this isn't funny!" Maya shouts.


Another door makes us all scream a bit.


A cart goes rolling down the hallway right in front of Smakle making her back up into Zay.

Right before I can scream run a familiar voice, voice from school, calls out to us.

"Did you really think I forgot about you?"

Riley screams and we bolt with Zay now in the lead. We aren't sure where we're going, but far from here is where we need to be.

All That's Forgotten {RIARKLE}Where stories live. Discover now