Chapter 17

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Zay is running like a maniac and I don't blame him.

The voice that called out my name is going to be haunting me for a long, long time. Whoever this voice belongs to is actually here trying to hurt us. That means that the person has been following us.

I'd like to say him instead of person, but as a feminist I strongly believe that it could be a girl just as much as it could be a guy. Not that it should really matter when I'm so terrified.

We're about to run out of hallway to run through, when Smakle points something out to Zay. It turns out to be a stairwell. Without any hesitation he leads us there and runs up on the slightly dusty stairs passing lots of trash, junk, and graffiti.

Due to night slowly dwindling closer the streetlights outside cast creepy shadows as we run. It makes me want to scream even more than I already do.

We run out a door leading to the floor above the last one we were in. There's no time to catch our breath since we hear the voice calling out to us.

Zay rushes down the hallway and just when I think I have no more breath or energy to run, a door a few feet in front of the opens.

The whole groups screams before we have a chance to process who it is.

We take a breath and see that it's Charlie.

I want to run and even begin to, but he sees and gestures for us to wait.

"I know you're scared, but trust me," he says opening the door wider for all of us.

None of us move unsure of what to do.

A door bangs open behind us. We all jump and Lucas yells, "We don't have time to debate just go!"

Zay hesitates for a second before running to him with the rest of us close behind. I stumble over a piece of a broken wheel chair, but I manage to grab Farkle's shoulders and he turns to help me run the rest of the way.

We get in the room and Maya slams the door shut. Her and the guys quickly push an old hospital bed and chairs to hold the door in place.

Smakle and I look around the room to see that it's a room for people after surgery to recover in. There are doors on both walls probably leading to more hospital rooms. I turn and am faced with slightly ripped curtains covering the window making the room pretty dark. This place just screams horror movie.

I take a deep breath and whisper, "We need weapons."

Smakle nods still trying to calm down and rushes over to Maya. I follow and see that she's already kneeling on the floor pulling out everything we brought from a backpack. I don't remember her having one in all honesty, but I wasn't really paying attention.

"Here," the fierce blonde directs to Smakle as she hands her a hammer and turns to me and hands me a pair of huge, sharp scissors.

The girl stands and hands out the rest of the weapons while Smakle and I make sure the door is secure and that the guys know that there are other doors.

"Don't worry. Those doors are jammed from the other side," Charlie explains as he hesitantly takes a can of pepper spray from from Maya.

We all stay near the door just in case we need to hold everything up against it. That's when we finally calm down and realize that we're with Charlie.

Farkle grips his small shove and glares at the guy angrily. "What the hell is going on here Gardener?"

I look to him to with the same feeling of anger coming out of me.

Charlie immediately puts his hands up in defense. "I swear I have no clue. I heard about the attack at your school and came to hide here. I didn't need the police or anyone else accusing me of anything. That's when I heard you guys and that freaky voice."

I go over to Farkle and he embraces me from behind. I look at him and I know we both believe him. You would think that after everything I would be pointing fingers, but I don't want wild assumptions. I want to get to the truth.

"If that's the truth then who the hell is doing this?" Lucas harshly whispers since we still have to be fairly quiet.

Charlie shrugs looking just as lost as we are. I want to ask Charlie why he chose the hospital when I get distracted by Lucas pulling off a plastic cover on the tip of his umbrella to reveal a sharp point. I don't even want to know why Farkle owns this.

"Maybe someone with a grudge against Riley?" Charlie suggests while he flashes his light to see how the pepper spray works.

"Who would have a grudge against this sweet girl?" Zay questions while yielding his long, metal flashlight that Maya just gave him.

Charlie and Smakle both are about to answer when Maya sharply cuts them off.

"Guys," Maya calls out pointing an antique cane at the door with a sharp and. Seriously I know that this isn't the time but where does my guy get this stuff. Wait... I mean this guy.

I snap out of it and turn to the door to see someone trying to push it open. We all go and try to hold it in place when bullets come flying through the door. Farkle grabs me by my waist and pulls me to the ground shielding me from and bullets and debris. The bullets stop for a second and I look and make sure everyone's alright before crawling away with some people following behind.

I go to one of the doors and manage to get it open. I stand and run through the room and into the next until I run out of rooms.

When I have no where else to go I open the door leading to the hallway and quickly but quietly find a storage closet to hide in.

I close the door and see that the only person with me is Smakle.


"Zay hit his head and couldn't see straight, so Farkle stayed with him. I think the others got out through the other door," she explains.

I nod and put my hand on the wall trying yet again to calm down. Just when I think I'm good there's a sudden screaming of both a girl and a guy followed by a gun being fired over and over.

I reach for the door handle to get back and help everyone else when Smakle gently grabs my hand to stop me.

The girl tells me, "I promised Farkle that I would make sure you don't do anything reckless before we separated and I'm going to keep that promise. I'm truly sorry for being an awful friend before and now I'm going to be a better one."

I want to fight her but it would be useless. Isadora  moves some of the empty bins and trash cans in front of the door. I help her with the last few and we sit with our backs to the wall facing the door since the room is pretty cramped.

I sigh knowing that this could be the end for some of us.

Maybe all of us.

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