The new pallidon...

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(A/N: OK, this next bit is what I made up, and not actually in the Voltron series, ok, ok...) 

😕😕Lance P.O.V😕😕

" So, you think she's the one?" Pidge asked one more time looking at the girl, she was still knocked out and we couldn't wake her up, even though I made a suggestion on giving her the kiss of life! What? It was worth a try!

"Yes, i'm sure Pidge, she is wearing the bracelet that originally belonged to the amethyst pallidon," great, know i'm really worried that Allura did hit her head really hard when we crashed landed.

"Hey, Coran, you said that we would have been out of earth in like, months!" complained Keith, Coran rolled his eyes. " Well, as you know, my calculations are still a bit rusty from 10,000 years!" he then started to twirl with his mustache, which always make me chuckle.

"So, will she be a new leader, or something?" Pidge asked while looking at Shiro.

Shiro then tensed up a little bit, but still remained calm. "No, Shiro is still the leader, she is just a separate pallidon that's all," Shiro then walked over to the girl and kneel down next to her. He then got up and nodded, "so, I guess it's settled then, once she wakes up she will be officially part of the team!" Allura exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

Hunk then smiled and began to continue eating his food. "Well as long as she doesn't eat all the food I'm cool with it," he then was about to take another bite, when everyone stopped and looked right behind him. "Did a galra come on the ship?" Shiro was about to attack, but then the creature grabbed Hunk and put the galra blaster to his head. "No, please don't kill me," Hunk looked like he was about to cry, I then looked at the hooded figure, I feel like I've seen it before, but, where?

"Ok, i'll let him go and give back this, thing," the voice was female, I also knew that voice as well, Keith looked like he knew it as well. "But," she continued, " hand me over, bff/n,"

Then it hit me!

"y/n?" the girl's head turned to me, she shook her head making her hood come off, but she was then wearing a skull mask only covering her mouth and nose. "Oh, hi Lance, this is yours right?" she said causally and waved my bayard, I then looked at Allura and smiled.

"How on the planet of Altea, did she get that?!" she yelled at me, I laughed nervously running my hand trough my hair. "Well, I kind of dropped it-"

"DROPPED IT!" she was now really angry, y/n then put her finger on the trigger, ready to shoot.

"Whoa, hang on y/n, you are not going to killing him," Keith taking a step forwarded, but she then pointed the blaster at him. "Stay back, I don't know what the hell is going on, all I know is that I need to be back on earth, take my good friend here and leave," she warned.

Shiro then tried to grab the blaster out of her hand, but she was too quick. She let go of Hunk and  pinned Shiro down holding the gun to his head, while Hunk made a run for it.

"Princess, it appears that we may have to exterminate her," said Coran getting ready to attack, along with everyone else. Shiro was surprisingly still pinned to the ground, dang!

Not only she's cute, but really strong! "Ok, ok, we don't have to kill her are anything," I blurted out. Everyone looked at me.

Great! Now I need a good explanation why.

"Ok then, but make it quick!" Shiro said groaning in pain. "Well, maybe we could just explain to her why we need her friend," Allura the face palmed her self in the face. "Why didn't I do that before!" she began to explain why we needed bff/n ,I think that's here name, and after a while, y/n let go of Shiro and dropped the blaster. 

😥😥y/n P.O.V😥😥

I dropped my gun and sat on the floor. "So, how long will she be with you exactly?" I asked while looking at a still unconscious, bff/n.

"Well, since she's part of the team now, she probably never go back," said the man with weird looking ear's and mustache. I sighed and started playing with my dragon necklaces that I always wore. "So, your saying I may never see her again? What about her family?" everyone looked suddenly uneasy about what I said.

"She probably will never see them again as well," I shook my head. "You know what! I'm staying here!" the fat guy spat out his food, Keith and Lance both shouted 'what' at the same time, and the lady gasped, who seemed to be royalty.

"But, you can't! It's way to dangerous for you to stay here!" I took off my mask aggressively, and beckoned everyone to attack me. They looked at me like I was crazy but they did so anyway.

 Shrio threw a punch at me but I grabbed his arm and flipped him over, then the girl in glasses tried to hit me with her weapon but I kicked it out of her and punched her in the face. The big guy didn't want to try and everyone else was stunned. "I think I can handle my self,"crossing my arms.

Lance smiled and walked over to me. "Well, this is going to be fun! Now Pidge, you have more girls to talk too!" Pidge looked really annoyed and got up groaning. "Well, I'll show you where you'll be staying then I supposed! Follow me," I looked back a bff/n, then at the princess she mouthed to me that it was ok, then I followed the funny man to my room.

I hope. 

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