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(A/n, your necklace peeps, hope ya like it!)

😳😳y/n P.O.V😳😳

For the rest of the day I've just been either walking around the castle or taking naps, yeah pretty exciting right, I haven't really seen anyone, apart from Coran, but every time I try to talk to him he always shoos me away. But the weird thing is, is that I keep finding my self drawn to that loose panel in my room. I'm not sure why but something just tells me that there are pretty exciting stuff behind it yet I just, can't be bothered to look what's there.

Oh well, there is always tomorrow or whatever day it is...

-time skip to night time-

I suddenly heard a knock on my door, I quickly jumped out of bed and went to go check who it was.

"Y/n, are ya there?" It was bff/n, I opened the door and saw Pidge and Allura behind her, I raised my brow.

"Um...what are you guys do-,"

"Oh good your here, we thought you went in an escape pod and left!" BFF/n exclaimed and gave me a tight embrace, I chuckled and pat her on the head.

"Why would I leave? I wouldn't leave unless I'm with you!"

"Yeah, your right. It's just that I haven't seen you since lunch!" My eyes widen

"Wait...that was lunch!"

"Yes," responded Allura "you even missed dinner," I sighed and flopped on my bed, I was so tired from all what has happened today.

"Well, I can tell your tired, we'll let you get some rest," said Pidge and with that they left me alone in the room. I sighed and got up and went to go get changed. I scavenged through some clothes I found in my closet and found my favourite (your favourite singer/band) tank top and put on a pair of shorts. I then put my h/c hair in a messy bun and walked back to my bed.

As I was about to get under the sheets, but I heard Lance and Keith arguing outside, I rolled my eyes and went outside my room to tell them off. I got outside and heard them yelling at each other about who was better at fighting, honestly, they could act like four year olds instead of teens.

"Well I bet I could take Zarkon blindfolded!" Yelled Lance waving his arms around like a maniac, Keith shook his head.

"Please, you can't even take on a gladiator without falling over!"

"Well you can't be talking! You-"

"Ladies, ladies!" I yelled, which they immediately shut up, "your both beautiful, know can you at least let me have my beauty sleep!" They both nodded, Lance then grind.

"Ok, whatever you say beautiful," and went to his room, along with Keith looked very angry.

I sighed and went into my room, what is up with those two, ever since I kissed both of them they kind of have been a bit...childish. I chuckled to myself at the thought, I then got into bed and let sleep over take my body.
I suddenly awoke in my room in the middle of the night, I heard whispers. I looked around and noticed that the panel was completely off and there was a door there, I looked down and saw my necklace started to glow a crystal blue colour. Then I heard whispers again.

Go to the door, y/n I heard it say, and as if I was hypnotise I began to get out of my bed and head to the door. I then tried to open it but it was locked.

Use your necklace it whispered again, I looked around trying to find where it was coming from, but there was no one there. I then noticed a dragon shape lock, I looked at my necklace and took it off. I placed it inside the lock and the door suddenly disappeared and the necklace was placed back in my hand. Everything went quite after that and the door wasn't glowing anymore apart from my necklace, even the whispers disappeared as well. I was then forced to go inside, for I still didn't have any control over my body.

Once I entered the room, I found myself surrounded with dead bodies, which I believe was the galra and gladiators. Then ahead of me I saw Lance and Keith holding there hands out to me, I tried to speak but no sound came out. The scene changed and I found myself in a room with everyone else, I tried to speak again but everyone seemed to run off. But before I could go after them, I felt someone grab my arm, it looked like those galra freaks except, it looked more important.

"You have ten days to make your decision y/n," it said to me, I tried to pull away but I just couldn't move, "you turn your self in with the lions or make your friends and your plant suffer," he then disappeared and I was surrounded by ruin of what looked like-London. I then saw my friends full of cuts and bruises and there where galra soldiers holding guns against there heads.

"Y/n, how could you?" BFF/n said in tears

"Y/n please don't do this," Allura said filled with panic.

I then heard the whispers again, kill them it's your destiny. And whiteout hesitation, I ordered them to kill them and one by one, they where shot. I then suddenly had control over my body and began running towards them. I fell to my knees and began to sob, and yet again the scene changed and I was back in the dark room and a shadow came into the centre of the room, she looked just like me except she had black hair and mint blue eyes.

She knelt down and looked at me and began stroking my h/c hair.

"We're going to be friends, and you'll do what I tell you," it said

"Who are you?" I said, it then laughed at me and start to become whisky and swirl around me.

"I'm Essence, your partner for piloting the crystal dragon," and with that I felt pain hit me and everything turn black.
I then woke up panting and sweating, and found Keith yelling my name.

"Y/n!" He said again, his face full of concern.

I was shaking, was that a dream? It seemed so real, who was that? What the hell just happened?

"Keith...wha-what happened?" The next thing I knew I was crying and Keith was holding me in his muscular arms.

"Shh,shh, it was just a dream your safe," is shooked my head and looked at him.

"I don't know Keith, it seemed so real," he then smiled and without warning, he kissed me and I kissed back. He then pulled away and picked me up, bridle style, and put me in my bed.

"I'll stay here just in case I'm you want me to," I nodded and he got in my bed, he then wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep.

😈😈???? P.O.V😈😈
I watched as my precious little partner go back to sleep with that boy, she doesn't know yet, but soon she will find out.
She'll have no choice but to turn on her friends, even if it means breaking a few hearts.

A/n ELLOOOOO, EVERYONE! I'm sooooooo sozzy that I haven't updated in forever, school has been a pain! I'm really sorry! Ok, that's all for know, don't forget to comment and vote and what-not. Bye!


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