Food fight...

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☺☺y/n P.O.V☺☺

I was still blushing when I entered the dining room, I still can't believe I did that, what the hell was I thinking?! Y/n, you do not kiss someone you don't really know yet in a day and two hours! I mean, sure he is cute and all but then there is-

"Y/n! Why are you as red as Keith's lion!" Coran shouted to me, which caused everyone else in the room to look at me. I quickly hid my face and sat randomly in a seat, once I thought no one was staring at me anymore, I sighed and started playing with my necklace. I was thinking about what I saw earlier today, when I saw a hidden door behind one of the lose panel in my room. The symbol on it looked kind of like my necklace, but I can't be so sure, it's probably just nothing. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that Lance was saying my name.

"Y/N!!" he sceeched in my ear probaly the hundredth time.

"Y/n, girl, what's up?" I looked at him and smiled.

"It's nothing ok, just, deep in thought." He moved his seat a bit closer to me and stared at me like I was telling him a bedtime story, I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Really Lance, it's nothing!"

"Are you sure?" He asked, poking my shoulder playfully.

"Yes, I'm sure!" But before Lance could do anything else, Keith walked in the room. He caught my eye and began to turn red and noticed that the only other seat left was next to me on the right. I watched him quickly go around the table and took the seat, I gave him a little wave but he blushed even harder. What's up with him? Did I do something wrong?

"Now everyone's here! May I present to you, your food!" Exclaimed Coran and there appeared the food right in front of us. It was this some sort of green goop which looked disgusting, usually I would eat just about anything but this, not gonna happen. I then looked up and saw everyone else was eating it like it was normal, even bff/n was eating it and she was usually a picky eater. I then looked over at Lance, who was just causally talking to Hunk and I look over to Keith, he was scoffing it down like it was his last meal. I was absolutely disgusted, I think I even gagged a little!

"He hasn't eaten in days," said Allura, who was already taking a second helping of the green goop. I then looked at Keith, he was taking another helping. Seriously, how can anyone eat this? Hunk and bff/n didn't make it any better, as they were both having a race on who can eat the most without being sick.

That was the last straw.

"Ok, I think I'm going back to my room now," I announced to everyone and got out of my seat, but as I got up I accidentally slipped and closed my eyes waiting to fall, but instead I found my self spine around and caught onto a pice of clothing. I opened my to find me across Lances lap and his hand supporting my back so I don't fall. I was so close to his face I can feel his breath against my neck, we both seemed to stare at each other for a few seconds until we both suddenly realised what just happened. I began to blush but Lance seemed to be keeping his cool and had a huge grin on his face.

"Y/n, I only know you for one night and two hours, and now your already all over me," he teased, I blushed even harder and let go of the collar of his jacket and gave a playful punch on his shoulder.

"Don't push your luck, McLane," but before Lance cold respond, a big spoonful of the green goop was smashed in his face. I quickly got off him and stood behind my chair shocked at what just happened, I then turned to find Keith holding his spoon in a throwing position wight at lances face.

"Keith, did you just-" but before I could finish my sentence, Keith suddenly had the good thrown at him! Lance crossed his arms satisfied with the hit.

"That's what you get for ruining my beautiful face," I rolled my eyes and stuffed some more goop in his face, everyone laughed.

"And that's what you get for being to annoying," I then suddenly felt goop smash on my face as well, I looked across the table to see bff/n practically laughing her face off.

"You can't have all the fun as well," and she aimed other spoonful of goop straight in my direction, I grinned.

"Game on! Pidge, keith, allura your with me!" And so the battle had begun! Everyone was laughing, and throwing green goop everywhere I even got some in my mouth, it actually didn't taste that bad! We seemed to have gone on forever, and it was the best day of my life (or what ever time is was over there). I was suddenly losing cover behind a chair and I needed to move, so I began to run and started to shoot behind me at Hunk, but once I turned around my lips suddenly smashed into someone's else's.

A/n:mwwwhhhahahahahah, I'm sooooo evil yes this is a cliffhanger😇😇😈😈!!!!! Who is this mysterious person that you kissed find out in the next chapter... and btw I'm sooooooo sorry that I didn't update for like forever!!! I fell really bad for leaving you guys hanging😓 plz forgive me!!!  👌 bye for now😋! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻👍

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