Sry, not an update...

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Ok, ok I know this isn't another proper update, but I just had to catch up on a few things like...

Watching the first season again for the hundredth time and just watch the first episode of season two!

Sorry, I just had to get my mind flowing for some ideas and I think I've got one!

Also, I've been kind of thinking how I should do this romance thing with y/n, Lance, Keith and Cliff.

Now I may do like a little rota so they have an equal amount of love that you give them! Simple, yet complicated.

It was just supposed to be Lance and Keith but, good old Cliff here just had to ruin it, but hey!

Makes the ending more interesting, right?

And one more thing before you can continue, is everyone ok that bff/n gets to be with Shiro?

I mean, sure he is hot and amazing and all, but is it ok?

I know, you guys are probably thinking that Im a complete lunatic, but trust me it'll work out.......hopefully.

So yeah I believe thats about it! Thx for reading this! (And if you haven't well don't bother reading this anymore) and continue to vote and comment and plz check out my new book and give me feed back on it!

Plz, I beg of u!

Ok bbbbyyyyyyyeeeee😆😆😆

(Btw that bit when i said you cant read anymore cause you didnt read this, well I was joking!)      

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