Training session ...

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(A/N: This is ur new outfit!! Hope u like it, and ignore the phone case!!!)

🤔🤔y/n P.O.V🤔🤔

"THE GALRA ARE HERE! AND THE PRINCESS IS BEING KILLED" I jumped out of my bed and fell on the floor. I then realized that I was still here and what happened the night before, or what ever time of day it was according to space, was not a dream. "QUICK, HER GUTS ARE EXPLODING FROM HER STOMACH!" I got up and went to the closet.

I then noticed that I only had one  outfit from my room in my closet, which was basically the only outfit I never wore. "WE'RE LOSING HER! HURRY!" I heard Coran, I then peaked my head out of my bedroom door, seeing Lance and Keith racing each other who would get to the main bridge first, I rolled my eyes and got dressed.

After I got dressed, I heard another ear splitting announcement from Coran, making me yell at the top of my lunges for him to shut up, then in response he just yelled at me asking if I cared if we were blown out of space and died, after making his little speech to me he, he continued screeching like a banshee.

I then made my way down to the main bridge and saw everyone, but Hunk, standing there either goofing off or just sitting back and wait. "Y/N?!" someone screamed, I knew that sequel from anywhere.

I turned around to find bff/n jumping up and down like crazy.

"BFF/N!!!!!" I screamed and we both ran to each other jumping up and down, then giving each other a bro hug.

"Dude, I thought you were long gone!" I said.

She laughed " yeah me too!"

We both laughed, but then someone interrupted us. "AHEM!" we both turned around and saw everyone staring at us weirdly. We then burst out laughing again, but then bff/n made a sudden gasp.

"What know?" I wined,

"you're wearing an new outfit!" she said dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

"Lady's please, calm down, we still got training to do!" Coran interrupted, I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, what are we doing today?" I asked, Coran smiled.

"Well, today is the first day of training for bff/n with the team!" bff/n made a little fist pump the air, I frownedmp

"What about me?" I asked, Coran made a weak smile. "Well, it was your choice  to stay here, so you won't be training with us!" he said and began to walk off along with everyone else. Then Lance walked up to me and smiled.



It's been a while since we talked to each other properly. "Your lucky not to do training you know, " I was surprised by this. "Lucky? Sure,"

"It's not like the type of training you know, this is basically like, actually train to the death!" I laughed,

"c'mon, it can't be that bad!" Lance grinned. I've got to admit, he is cute with that look on his face.

"Lance, let's go! Less flirting more training!" yelled Shiro and everyone laughed but bff/n. I blushed and quickly walked away before anyone else could say anything.

🤗🤗bff/n P.O.V🤗🤗

I watched as y/n quickly walked off and Lance coming back really annoyed, I then punched Shiro in the arm angrily. Shiro gave me 'what was that for' look but I just rolled my eyes and stormed off.

No one does that to my friend like that, besides, I'm sure that if I ever get to duel with Shiro, I'll give him a big woop in the-.

"Welcome back everyone!" Announced Coran, twirling his mustache. I looked around my surroundings, and wow! The training room was exactly how I expected it to be!

"Now, before we get to business, ummm...lets see...uhhh...oh-yes bff/n!" Everyone turned there heads at me.

Now on the outside I was like, 'Yo, wassup!' But on the inside I was like, 'I'M AUCTALLY TRAINING WITH VOLTRON!!!!'

I stepped forward and gave a little wave. "Do you have any fighting skills, bff/n?" Asked Coran. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "Ummm, duhhh! I can-"

"Great! Let's see what you got! Pidge your going with Lance... Hunk and Keith and... well, that leaves you with Shiro!"

I then looked over at Shiro, he went over to a spot for us and beckaned me to come over, I then looked over at Coran. "Are we using-" he then pushed me over facing Shiro and began anoucening the rules.

"Ok, now you all know how it goes, today we are not using any weapons, you are going to be dueling each other by hand! Now first one that is out of the circle, loses!"

"But there is no-" then a circle just magically appeared around us. "Really?!" I yelled out loud, everyone looked at me weirdly and I gave a weak smile.

"Ok... I'm just gonna go easy on yo-" but before Shiro could finish, I kicked him in the face. He collapsed to the floor looking very surprised. "Opps," I said sarcastically feeling very pleased with myself, I then walked over to him but he then tried knocking me  down by sweeping me, but I quickly jumped over his leg.

When I landed on the floor, I lost my balance, and ended up falling on my butt, laughing. He then tried to kick me in the face, but since y/n and I have been going to gymnastics together since we were kids, I manged to duck and sweep him to the floor instead!

"Your a very good fighter," as he got up, I blushed. OMG, he is actually complementing me! "You to," and I tried to punch him but he caught my fist in his hand. I look up at him then at my hand. "Wow," he then flipped me over and landed on my back.

"This is going to be fun," and I kicked Shiro on his thigh and we continued to fight. 

(A/N: WASSSSSUPPPP! I'm so sorry about the wait guys, I've been writing a new book and have been trying to write on wattpad but, you know the holidays... cheese-its how long has it even been since I last updated?

Well if it's along time.... I'M TRULY AND UTURALLY SORRY! Ok, bye and Merry Christmas!!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄)

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