The Secret room

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(A/n: that is your dragon that you will be piloting! Hope you like him, and don't judge but he has a name and a mind of its own, ok, back to zee story)

😡😡Lance P.O.V😡😡

I was really worried about y/n last night, I could hear her screaming in her room. I quickly got dressed in my usual clothes and went over to her room. I knocked on her door and waited for her to open it, I heard a groan from inside it sounded- like Keith.

I then knocked again and called out her name, I then heard some scrambles from inside and the door then opened.

"Oh, hiya Lance, nice seeing," she said sheepishly. She was wearing a tank top with, I believe (your favourite singer/band) and a pair of shorts, she even had her h/c hair tied up in a messy bun which I found so flipping adorable. "Sorry about this um," she looked quite nervous, I then heard another groan, it definitely sounded male.

"Y/n, is someone-" then I saw him, Keith Kogana (sorry if I spelled his last name wrong) and what angered me the most was that he was in her bed, and- I just couldn't believe it- was shirtless.

I began clutching my fists, I then looked at y/n looking worried.

"Lance, its not what it looks like-"

"Right, sure it isn't," I then stormed out of her room, with her calling after me with a mixed of Keith's voice telling her to leave it. Was I actually jealous for once because of one girl? Sure, she got the looks and had an incredible personality, she's just so-

"Oooff," I quickly realised that I bumped into bff/n, she seemed to be heading to y/n.

"Oh, sorry bff/n,"

"No it's fine!" She said calmly, I sighed and continued to walk on but was stopped by a hand grabbing my arm, I turned around to find bff/n there smiling.

"Hey, are you ok?" I forced myself to smile and nodded and turned to leave but then stopped and turned back around again.

"Oh, by the way I would be carful before barging into y/n room!" BFF/n gave me a puzzled look.


"Keith's in there shirtless," I then walked on and heard her scream and began to run down to y/n room.

😰😰y/n P.O.V😰😰

I suddenly heard bff/n screaming at the top of her lungs down the hall, she then burst into my room and began shaking me.

"Did you sl-"

"Shhh, no-no!" I said in horror, how on earth did she get that idea?! Keith then came out of my bathroom all dressed, when he saw bff/n he began to go red which set her off again.


"BFF/N SHUT YOUR QUIZNAK!" I yelled which caused her to huff in annoyance, she then mumbled something which probably was 'your such a Lance' or something like that, she then went off to go eat along with Keith.

I couldn't believe what happened last night, Keith flipping kissed me- he flipping kissed me! And I kissed Lance...oh what to do, what to do? I suddenly felt a strangely familiar presence in my room, black smoke began to swirl into the room and there before me, was that girl from my dream.

"Essence,"I growled under my breath, she laughed. Her laugh sounded very inhuman, it was like my laugh except at the same time, like a terrible screeching sound mixed in it. "What do you want?"

"Just to settle somethings with you that's all," then in a blink of an eye, she was behind me, she whispered to me to remove the panel.

"I don't want to," I then felt something being put against my back, it was a dagger. I sighed and did what I was told and there was the door already opened.

Space love (Voltron x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon