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😅😅Shiro P.O.V😅😅

After everyone got back Allura  told us that we all needed to clean up and come straight back to the  control room. Everyone nodded, I then looked over at bff/n and gave her a smile and she smiled back. 

To be honest, I was worried that she might have gotten hurt since it was her first time out there, but I was extremely impressed how she took out all those galra soldiers.

But what I was really worried about, was that bff/n was going to lose y/n. In fact, I think everyone was worried about y/n and Lance. They literally got hammered out there but some how they made it.

After taking a shower and putting on my usual clothes, everyone met up on the main bridge as Allura had said.

"Palladins, I have some news to tell you," she clears her thought and gives a smile. "You are all to have one date to the feast tonight,"

Suddenly y/n walked in with bff/n and Keith and Lance went running towards them. They both screamed and tried to run off. I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"Boys, leave the two girls alone, they don't need any harassment today,"

"S-sorry Shiro," Keith said, his head hung low with shame while Lance gave a wink at y/n, making her roll her eyes at him.

"Anyway, as I was saying, you can go with whomever you would like, it could be someone from the planet, the Palladins," Allura takes a quick glance at me, which made me go slightly pink.

"Wait-hold up. Your saying it could be anyone?" Hunk asked with a bit of excitement. 

"Yes Hunk and you all have a few hours to get ready, have a date and get things set up so off with you all!"

As everyone began to leave, I was suddenly tapped in the shoulder. I was hoping it was bff/n but instead it was Allura.

I gave a fake smile. "Yes princess?"

"Shiro...would you like to be my date for the feast?" I didn't know what to say, she was the princess after all and if I reject her that would be-well, not so good.

At the corner of my eye, I could see bff/n running off and it sounded like she was crying.

I looked at the princess and then back at where bff/n was. "I'll think about it," and before she could say anything I ran after bff/n.

😭😭bff/n P.O.V😭😭

Why, why could you be so stupid bff/n, of course Allura would ask Shiro and obviously he can't refuse!

She is the god damm princess after all! Who would ever ask me anyway, I'm just going to ask y/n then, since we could ask anyone out.

I entered my room and locked the door. When I turned around, I saw y/n standing there with a worried expression on her face.

"Bff/n, are you alright?" I then hugged her and began to cry. She gave me a pat on my shoulder and sighed.

"Why? Why did it have to be Shiro and Allura?!"

"Um, I thought you shipped those two?" I gave her my infamous death glare.

"That. Was. Before!" I then went to my bed and did a belly flop and gave out a huge groan.

"Well, you never know, maybe I want to go with you instead," my head shot up and I saw y/n giving me a huge grin and gave me a thumbs up and left the room.


"You wanna talk about this?"


🤗🤗y/n P.O.V🤗🤗

I left Shiro and bff/n to just talk it out, after all she deserves it. Now I'm not sure if she is going to ditch me for Shiro but if she does then I'll find one.

A sudden thought occurred to me about Eccence and Cliff: are they coming to the feast as well? Would Allura allow it?

I mean I could always ask since they did help out, well not really Cliff but Eccence did help.

"Thats very sweet of you to think that of us," I jumped in the air and found Eccence and Cliff standing behind me.

" did you?..."

"Sorry about that y/n," Cliff said while glaring at his sister then looked back at me with a warm smile. "You two did good back there, stupid, but good,"

"Hey, what do you mean stupid?" Eccence punched Cliff in the arm and rolled her eyes as he let out a yelp.

"So about what you were saying earlier, yes Allura did invite us and Cliff and I are going together," I smiled and gave them both a thumbs up.

"Thats great you guys! Well I hope to see you two soon ok?" Eccence and Cliff smiled and raced each other to the kitchen, while nearly killing each other.

I continued MY little walk around the castle and decided to go check on Pidge.

When I was about to knock at her lab door, I heard someone else in there talking to her about the feast. I shrugged and turned around to leave the two alone.

After walking around for some moments, I headed back to my room still date-less and thinking that it wad no use to have a date.

As I got to my room door, I saw Keith there muttering to himself. I grinned as a little mischievous thought popped into my head.

I slowly crept up behind him and ran my fingers gently down his spine, causing him to shiver. I then blew against his neck.

"Ello Keith," he then turned around and glared at me which was a reaction I half expected/not expected.

"Y/n, don't do that again,"

"Why not? Its fun," I then opened my door and looked at him. "What do you want?"

He looked at the floor a muttered to himself again. He then looked at me and sighed. "Nothing...just-nothing,"

I raised a brow and leaned against the archway. "Well then why are you here then and wasting my time?"

Keith glared at me and looked down at his feet, a shade of pink coming up on his cheeks. " you want to be my date-"

"Sure," he looked up at me with complete shock.

"Wait...really?!" I nodded and punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Yeah, why the quiznak not right?"

He smiled and quickly walked off. I watched him go until he was out of sight and let out a squeal of excitement.

I better find an outfit now, other wise that would be completely embarrassing to go in jeans and a tank top.

Usually, I wouldn't be too serious about how I look, but this was in front of royal people and stuff so I had to be dressed up, but not to fancy or dressy.

So, it was time to go dress hunting and find something in the closet of clothes.

A/n: elloooooo my lovely readers and writers how is everyone? Sorry for such a messy and completely terrible chapter today, I was on the plane while writing this and extremely tired. I'll do the feast chapter next and will try to post it ASAP! Thats all for now, until next time!✌ 


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