The feast Pt.2...

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🎶🎶Y/n's P.O.V 🎶🎶

As we walked to the dance floor, I couldn't help but notice that Lance was shooting daggers at Keith, completely ignoring the alien girl who was talking to him. I sighed and looked over at Keith for he too glaring at Lance as well.


Since I didn't want to interrupt there 'glare' off, I decided to slowly move away from Keith and find bff/n. Not only did I want to find bff/n, but I was hoping to see Eccence and Cliff.

Look, I know that might be a bad idea but I believe that they are actually great people (or whatever they are). Plus, I think they deserve to be here since they did help me out with today, and Eccence worked her butt off just trying to protect from getting hit from the galra.

As I continued to walk through the crowd, I saw bff/n talking to Shiro and thankfully, she looked like he was enjoying herself. But something caught my eye when I glanced at the princess. Was she...glaring slightly at the two? 

"Well...this can't be good." I mumbled to myself before continuing to find my fellow partners.

If I had to be honest, I didn't exactly want to get in between Allura, bff/n and Shiro's love triangle right now, for I have my own to worry about. I seriously don't get how all these guys just suddenly like me!

Me! Out of everyone they probably have met or even the quiznacking princess, it just had to be me! least Hunk and Pidge are pretty chill so that was alright. that I'm actually thinking about it... I've kissed three guys so far, well Cliff is 'technically' like some sort of human-robot-dragon-thing but still! 

Yet, as I thought about this, I suddenly remember my dream that I had not a few nights ago... London crumbling into dust, Keith and Lance holding there hands out towards me...and that important looking galra telling me I had a make a choice in ten days. many days do I have left?

I was so lost in thought I didn't realised that I bumped into someone. I gasped as I began to fall back but was caught in the nick of time by strong arms. I looked up to see a unfamiliar person, or whatever it was, smirking down at me.

It had long white hair, eyes kind of like Allura's except yellow on the outside, pointy ears and lilac skin.

It swiftly pulled my up close, causing me to blush slightly. Its smirk went wider and let me go.

"I must say, you are a very charming human." The voice was male, sounding slightly like Cliff's voice except more smooth and...dangerous.

"'s fine! I was just...not looking where I was going...that's all." Well...boi I do sound like a goddamm idiot.

"But if you didn't," he said while cupping my chin lightly and leaning towards me. "Then we wouldn't have met."

I slightly pulled away from him and eyed him slightly. There is something about him I don't like at all. I can feel it...he also looks-

"ARE YOU QUIZNAKING KIDDING ME?" A sudden voice shouted.

I quickly looked to see where it was and there was Eccence and Cliff. Eccence looked like she was ready to blow up the place, judging from her angry expression, and Cliff trying to calm her down.

"Now Eccence, please can you calm down..."

"I'm sorry, you two are just not on the list, and you will defiantly not be on it after all the terrible crimes you to have done!" Exclaimed Coran.

"I should go sort that out." I muttered to myself. "Um, if you would excuse me-"but when I looked back at the mysterious guy, he was gone.

I raised a brow but decided to just go and help my two team mates out.

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