My little puppet....

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(That's Cliff up there btw, kk back to the story)

😐😐y/n P.O.V😐😐
After yesterday, I decided to just go tell Allura since she basically knows everything, being the prissy-pink-know-it-all princess she is. I got changed in a simple white shirt, f/c jacket and ripped jeans which were a faded blue then did my hair in a simple ponytail.

I then went out of my room and accidentally bumped into Shiro.

"Oh, Y/n I'm so sorry," he helped me up which his metal hand, it was kind of weird but what choice did I have?

"Thank you Shiro," I was about to leave but Shiro put his normal had on my shoulder, I turned around to face him trying my best not to panic.

"Y/n, is everything all right?" He asked, I sighed and nodded. I gave me a weak smile and went off. Honestly he just reminds me of my dad sometimes, I guess it's just how his personality that reminds me of him.

I continued to find Allura through the castle, and since I've walked through here so many times that I practically know my way around. I finally found her in the main control room talking with, what looked like herself?

"Umm, Allura, why are you talking to your self?" She quickly turned around and there in her hands were mice.

"Oh, I was just talking to my mice friends," I looked at them closely and saw them all look at me, I giggled at them. She then put them down and watched run off to where-ever they were going. "So, y/n, you wanted to ask me something?" I grew tense and sighed.

"Allura, how many pallidons are there?"

"Well, there is the red lion, blue lion, yellow-"

"No, I mean is there any, well other pallidons?" She bit her lip and looked away.

"You found the pallidon of Eve, didn't you?" I looked at her puzzled, she sighed amd dragged me back to my room, she then shut the door in my room and sat me on my bed.

"Umm, Allura?" She then removed the panel and touched the door, it began to creak open. She began to go pale and stared at me filled with horror, she then collapsed on the floor screaming I ran to her seeing if she was alright.

I then heard someone coming from inside the room that I was in yesterday and out came Essence and Cliff.

"What did you do?" Cliff yelled at Essence, but she just rolled her eyes at him.

"My dear brother, relax, she's fine," she then grabbed Allura by the arm and looked at her right in the face, she grinned. "Ya still look the same since I last saw you my friend," she said, but Allura didn't look so convinced.

"How-how on the plant of Altea did you escape?" Essence then looked at me and smiled.

"Why don't you ask Miss innocent y/n," Cliff then grabbed his sister by the arm and dragged her away from Allura.

"Leave y/n out of this,"

"Oh I'm sorry mister softie, but she has to know, isn't that right Allura," Essence said shaking her brother off her.

"Y/n," Allura paused she then looked at Essence and Cliff then at me, "your father was an Altian, he piloted the Crystal Dragon," I was confused, my dad was an alien?!

"So was his friend, who was piloting the amethyst dragon, but when he went down to earth, he fell in love with your mother and decided to change his ears so he looks like you earth people,"

"After he had you, we were all at war with, ahem, my sister," Cliff then glared at his sister who just rolled her eyes at him once again, "but he died because somebody didn't bother to have his back," Cliff then looked at Allura, what does he mean? Did Allura let my father die?

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