Sequel :)

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The first chapter of the sequel to this book has just been posted!

So please give it a read and possibly comment or vote! :)

'It's called 'Love Without you is Fake' and I'm a bit nervous it won't be as good as what you would like it to be but I'll try my best!

The first few chapters will be introducing them back and stuff and then the interesting stuff will happen ;)

I hope it doesn't take me too long to post chapters but I haven't written any further then Chapter 1 yet, so we'll see how we go!

And one last thing....THANK YOU!

This story has gotten 60 000 reads on it and over 1 200 votes! Which is absolutely incredible and I still cant believe it! It's thanks to you guys reading, commenting, voting and giving me feedback that it's become so successful to me! So thank you , thank you , thank you.

I love you all sooooooooooooo much that words can't even describe how much I love you all :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

In Love With My Best Friend (Ziam, Larry)Where stories live. Discover now