The Doctor and Her Commander

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I was in my apartment when Liv, without knocking suddenly barges in. No hellos. No warnings. It was Saturday, the few that I don't spend in the hospital. I heard her call out outside my room.

"Andy, you better be awake now! I'll go inside your room in 5 minutes."

I just came from an 8 hour sleep, basking in its glory. I don't know what she could possibly want with me at this time. I decided to ignore her, turned my body to the side, craving more sleep. I even ignored the clicked of the door.

"I warned you!"

With no mercy, she pulled my blanket off my body. I turned to face her.

"Liv, you know I came from a 36-hour shift and I had to do consultations, yesterday so that's like 48 hours. Give me break."

Liv sat at the foot of my bed. She looked slightly guilty.

"Sorry, D. You know how Aiden looped me into bringing Damien and I hooked you into coming?"

I knotted my brows at her. I didn't like where this was going.

"Well, since it's both our day off and you discharged Dad yesterday. Mom decided to have it today."

I looked at her then started laughing. She didn't know what I find so funny.

"Oh, Liv. You know how, your dad should avoid stress and your brother is all in your face about the boyfriend. Your mom practically just laid out your father's next heart attack."

"Shit, you're right."

She laughed too. Admittedly, it wasn't funny, but I could imagine the mayhem. In between laughters, she patted my legs.

"It's a good thing, you're coming then. I can't help my dad, but you certainly can."

I crossed my arms at that, but a giggle escaped. Changing the topic,

"So what time is this so called meet the parents and evil brother?"

"About that, mom wants a lunch meeting, so she asked me to drag you to our house to help cook. Because, we both know, I am useless at that. Damien will come by around 1pm for the main dinner."

I was surprised. I know I made an impression on her mother about my cooking skills, but I didn't think it was that good to drag me out and make me her slave for the day.

"Don't you have chefs for that?"

"Are you kidding? Mom prepares all our meals at home, remember? She says it insults her if she hires a cook."

I kind of agree. I mean, their mother does own two restaurants, all of which she conceptualized. She did a stint in culinary school and completed a business degree.

"I find it hard to believe that your mom needs my help. What are you up to?"

"I may or may not have told my mom that, you bullied Aiden the other day."

I stared at her in shock. I can't connect the dots.

"I know what you're thinking. What has that got to do with me? Well, something tells me, Aiden likes you."

I scowled at her. I wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship.

"Does it matter? I don't want to be in a relationship and Aiden sounds like he doesn't either."

There was a sparkle in her eyes. I scowled even more.

"You wait and see. Never mind about that, you can wear jeans and whatever because we, more of you, will be helping in the kitchen. You can bring spare clothes."

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