The Date

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I watched her put on her shirt. I was slightly disappointed that we had to stop but, I was not about to interfere with an emergency. I sighed as I got up. While she got ready, I continued to talk to my sister.

"Are you still there, Aiden? Are you staring at Andy naked or something?" I'm slightly annoyed at Liv. At first, I thought she was just being a cock block but, it turns out there's emergency at the hospital.

"I'm here, Liv. Why are you talking to me?" I spat out.  I was slightly frustrated. The tightness in my pants wasn't helping.

"I know that I just stopped you from getting laid, but can you tone down the hostility." I groaned. I'm not some randy teenager but, she was being annoying.

"I'm good, thanks. I'm just going to grab my stuff. Do you need me to pick you up from the bar?" I stood up from the bed, grabbing my shirt. I put it on as I hear the shower running.

"Yes, please, but bring Liv to the hospital, first. I don't want her taking the taxi at this time." I raised an eyebrow at her words. She takes the taxi during emergencies, even at late hours. No wonder she carries a taser.  She needs to get a car, but it won't be practical.

"I got it, Liv. You don't need to tell me." I responded. I moved to her dining room, grabbing the used plates and placing it on the sink.

"I know, Aiden. You would have taken her, if you knew that she'll take a taxi. That's why, I mentioned it. I'll hang up now. Call me when you're getting me." I placed my phone back in my pocket. I continued grabbing the remains of our food. I saw the cake and coffee forgotten on the table. My hardness subsided, but the coffee and cake made me think of our heated session, moments ago. A short wave of desire entered me, but I swallowed it down.

I was almost done, when Andy walked in. She had her hair tied. A look of surprised washed over her face, but quickly it was replaced by a smile. I grinned at her.

"Don't worry about it. I got it, Doc." I continued the last of my cleaning, after placing our left overs in her fridge and tying the trash bag.

"Thanks, Commander. Sorry about that." I walked towards her, already holding the trash bag. I bowed in front of her, like an old gentleman.

"Liv, instructed me to drive you to the hospital. So I am at your service, mi'lady." I said. She giggled at me. To my surprised, she gave me a curtsy.

"Thank you for your generosity, kind sir."

"Sweetheart, I hope you know that I would have driven you, without her asking." I stated. As I followed her to the door.

"Whatever you say, Commander. Let's bring that down. Shall we?" I nodded in response.

Upon reaching the outside of her building, she showed me where the trash area is. I quickly dropped it, and jogged back to my car. I opened the passenger side, motioning for her to get in. She smiled, but sat down.

She looked over to my face, and I leaned a bit.

"Doc, I hope you know that I'm not easily pushed away. I'm holding you to another date." I told her.

Her smile was slightly mischievous, but her hands were a dead giveaway, pulling me towards her.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Commander." She told me, before we closed the small distance between us, with a sweet but deep kiss.

I knew that, if we kept going, we'd either be stripping on the street, or running back to her apartment. I quickly pulled away.

"Stop distracting me. I still need to bring you the hospital." I told her. I moved to the driver's seat, and got on.

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