The Morning After

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"Is this your version of the walk of shame?" I asked him teasingly. I was standing at my opened bedroom door, watching him get dressed. His shirt hangs loosely on me, I was sure I'd catch his attention.

"I'm glad it can count as one, now." He responded giving me a once over. I knew what was going on through his head, having another go or at least make out. It took us 2 months to get in bed together, even if we tried. Everyone and everything seems to be in the way of it. It was god damned funny when Aiden once screamed at his secretary when she interrupted us in his office.

I scowled at him. "Don't even think about it. You have a meeting in an hour and a half." I looked at him suspiciously.

He gave a throaty laugh, that I swear I felt until my stomach. "Wouldn't dream of it, babe."

I ignored him and ventured to sit on my bed. I watched him make a fool of himself with his neck tie.

It's amazing how comfortable we are with each other, despite the two month official period. Our courtship might be short but we seem to be in sync.

In the two minutes I took to watch him, he made no progress with his tie. A frown was already forming on his face. I groaned and took pity on him. I approached him.

"You're navy seal. How can you not know how to fix your tie?" I asked him, while I made quick work of it.

"We don't always use it and I don't practice using it, Doc." His answered while leaning towards me to peck my lips.

"Whatever, Aiden. I have breakfast ready. I hope toast is, okay? Knowing your parents, they may order a lot of food."

Aiden nodded, but I could tell something had cross his mind. "Right, do you want me to pick you up?"

I looked at him, like he's crazy. "Commander, did I miss the memo of announcing to your parents that we're dating?"

Something flash through his eyes. A small frown marred his face. Something was up, but I know he wouldn't talk. In the pit of my stomach, I knew I don't want to ask.

The flash of worry instantly disappeared, replaced with a smirk. "Right, babe. Just let me know where you are."

I smiled at him. His over-protectiveness shows, sometimes. "You worry too much, Commander, but yes, I will."

He grinned at me and dragged me to breakfast.

He left immediately, because I refused his help to clean. I told him that I wanted to do a general cleaning of my apartment and laundry. I had to wash my scrubs, along with his clothes. I giggled, because this was really an unusual setup for us. Luckily, Liv is occupied by her boyfriend, so no surprise visits from her. Our secret is still safe.

By the time I finished, I'm too tired to take the subway to the restaurant. The activities last night and early morning have caught up with me too. I groaned in my seat on the couch.

I heard my phone rang. I reached for it on the coffee table. Once I noticed the caller id, I sighed, hoping nothing crazier comes up.

"Hi, Evelyn." I started.

"Good morning, dear. I'm calling to let you know that I've asked Aiden to pick you up." I held back my glee. I guess I won't be commuting, after all.

I pretended to not want the offer. I can't spill it to her, just yet.

"Oh, it's ok, Evelyn. I'm fine with-" I didn't get to finish my sentence. She cuts me off by saying,

"I've already asked him. Please just let me take car of you."

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