Chase or Run

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She got me there. "Am I running again?" I ask myself everyday. I contemplated it until I got home, even before I closed my eyes.

I left the Parker household with a promise to return in the morning, the older couple would be leaving. Andy and I agreed to figure out our destination once we met up the next day.

Upon arriving, I saw the bags sitting at the front porch, but no people outside. I rang the doorbell and I was greeted by Reed's annoyed expression.

"Oh, it's you." He appeared less than enthusiastic to see me that I wanted to laugh.

"Good morning, sir." I said. I wanted to salute knowing that he came from a higher command than me, but I refrained.

"Let's go, boy. The wife wants us in the kitchen for a quick breakfast." I followed his orders.

I saw that a plate of toast, eggs and bacon was waiting for me beside a sleepy looking Andrea. She was eating toast without the protein. Her mother was already busy cleaning up.

I greeted everyone. I was met by a nod from my ex-girlfriend. That doesn't really bodes with me.

"I hope you don't mind that I'm cleaning up. I don't want to leave the house a mess." Jean said to me as I took a bite.

"You could leave it to me." Andrea spoke up from beside me.

"And leave you alone with a boy in this house? No." Reed said. His voice was rough but there was a certain soft spot to it. Andy didn't take offense, instead laughed.

"I'm not 16, dad. You do know that locking this house won't stop me." She joked but I wondered if I could be so lucky. I swallowed the obscene thoughts that threatened my brain. I had to be wholesome today.

"Hush, darling. Don't give your father a heart attack." Jean scolded her daughter. I chuckled on the side, seeing the irony of it.

"It's a good thing I'm a doctor then." Her words were accompanied by a wink. It was met by a glare from her father and a chuckle from her mother.

"Please excuse the kid over there, Aiden. She woke up cranky." Jean said giving an excuse for her.

I felt Andy nudge me with her elbows. "Don't believe a word she says." She said.

She proceeded to lifting her plates and carrying them to the sink. I gulped down my food quickly. I handed the plate to the mother-daughter team in the kitchen. I move to help out with the drying, but was met with a hand.

"Go sit down with my dad. I got this. You can play servant to me later." Her last sentence was accompanied by a wink.

I found her dad at the living room, watching the morning news. I expected him to not acknowledge me at all, but he didn't.

"She missed the Pumpkin Festival again. Why don't you take her to Half Moon Bay? See what they still have." He voiced out.

"Sir?" I questioned. I'm not sure if I heard him correctly. 

"Don't get me all wrong, son. I firmly believe that no man is good enough for my baby girl, but I'll be a little nicer to you. I don't give a damn if you get yourself killed but don't mess with my daughter." Reed warned me.

I nodded. "She's a special girl."

"Damn, right. She is." Reed growled in agreement.

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