The Matter of Wooing

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My chill weekend got replaced by hell in the hospital. I never complained about the job itself. I love being able to save people but the hours, sometimes, gets to me. I was craving for lunch, already. Sadly, I still have another check up, with Richard. I held my smile to myself. Evelyn will sure make my day interesting, with Liv doing rounds at the Pediatrics department. I needed a breather.

Wednesday, 3 days since the weekend and 4 since I last saw a glimpse of Aiden. It's been a while since I felt an instant attraction to someone. It's an exciting feeling. Thinking about him, was making me want to ask Liv for his number, but for sure, I would never hear the end of it.

My door open to find, Evelyn and Richard walking with, to my surprise, Aiden. I gazed at him from across my desk, while Evelyn took a seat across me. He made a move for the couch, while I stared him down. He was looking sexy as ever, in his office attire. The suit fitted him nicely. The muscles he boasts of while wearing his casual attire were still very much visible to my eyes.

When I looked up, he winked at me. He, obviously, saw that I was checking him out. I raised an eyebrow at him, then ignored him. I turned to his parents and smiled.

"Richard, is it really necessary to bring the whole family for your check up?"

Evelyn laughed and said, "If we didn't come, Andrea, this old man would still be lounging in front of the couch."

I nodded in understanding and amusement. "Well, I just need to check on his general vitals. We'll be doing for intensive checking on Saturday. This won't take long."

Richard groaned. He was really a kid trapped in an old man's body.

"Dad, relax. Besides, you're not the one who got dragged bullied here. I did!"

Evelyn gave her son a dismissive hand gesture. "Oh hush, I gave the driver the morning off. He will pick us up after this. You can go back to your precious office after that."

Richard cut in. "Now, Evelyn, I told you not to disturb him. Let him get a feel of work, maybe he'll finally take over and we can go on that cruise."

"Says the guy, who got a heart attack from working too much. Evelyn, I don't know how you deal with the men in your life."

She leaned across my desk as if to whisper, "Yes, the other one sacrifices his life on a daily basis."

"I get it, mom. Now, can we please get on with this check up."

Richard in his encouraging tone. "If you want to go back to work, go ahead. We'll be fine here."

Evelyn contradicted him. "No, dear, give my baby a break. He' goes to work at the crack of dawn and comes home so late."

He smiled at his mom. "I'm fine, mom. Just trying to catch up on the work Dad left. We can eat lunch out, after this."

I cleared my throat. "I'll get started, ok? Evelyn, don't answer my questions for Richard, yet. I need to gauge his stress level and such."

Evelyn nodded. I continued checking up on Richard with the standard vitals, given to my by the nurse before they arrived. I proceeded to ask him question in turn I asked Evelyn question. All in all, he seems pretty relaxed. 30 minutes later, we were done and I was ushering them out the door.

One of my nurse friends waved at me, while they were walking ahead. I approached her.

"Hey, Jamie, we on for lunch?"

She shook her head. "Sorry, Doc. I got called in to help out. I'll be having a late lunch."

"Oh, too bad!"

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