Her Antics

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Attraction. The moment I saw her and she kicked me out, I knew there was something about her spunky personality. I held back a smile. I think, it's obvious that I am smitten with her, but it seems my mother and my sister have it in their minds that I still need help in that department, which lead to Liv's invasion of my office.

"The two of you are perfect for each other, I don't know why I haven't seen it before." I heard her said, while I pretended to be busy with paper work. I gave her a grunt that I was listening.

"You are hopeless. You can get into any girl's pants, but you can't charm the pants off my friend." I held back my smirk. I wasn't going to respond to that. She's still my sister and I cannot talk about my sex life with her.

"Why are you in my office, Liv? Don't you have kids to save?" I raised my head from the paperwork I was reading, while noticing how she had a sly smile on her face.

"Well, I am off-duty today. And guess who is on pre-duty and meeting me for drinks at the bar later?" She had that look. It's the look that says I have something that you don't have.

"Either you tell me, or I am kicking you out." I wouldn't do that but I just wanted to say so.

She pouted. "You're no fun. Andy is coming, albeit reluctantly."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "In my defense, dear brother, she needs to get out. The last time she went out was your lunch. I told her she should meet a nice guy."

I groaned. She got her meddling streak from our mother, obviously. "You don't meet nice guys in bars. They go there to fuck."

She attempted to swat my face but my reflexes was fast enough. "You don't have to be so crass. And don't you mean we?"

I scowled at her. "I prefer not knowing about your sex life. It helps me sleep better."

Liv roared with laughter then she stood up, making a move to leave. "If you're interested, we'll be at Elevate."

She winked at me. "Just so you know, Aiden. I am bringing Andy there for a little stress relieving orgasms."

She shut the door behind her while I threw a paper ball at her. That girl will be the death of my father, if he ever heard that. My sister is crazy, but I'm glad she's doing great, after everything.

I glanced at my phone. I had plans with Lucas, a college buddy of mine. He invited me out for drinks to catch up, meaning someone needs to play wingman. Coincidentally, he wants to meet in Elevate as well.

Once the clock struck 8pm, I made my way to my car. I'd removed my tie. I didn't have time to go back to Long Island. I'm still hunting for a short-term lease, closer to the office. A grown man really shouldnt live with his parents even I do work for the Seals.

The drive took a few minutes. The line to the entrance was long, typical Friday night. I'm sure Lucas is inside. Admittedly, I glanced at the line. I was hoping to see a familiar mop of brown hair, but either they went home or were inside.

My family might not be big time socialites but, we get around. I'm sure, Liv got in without needing to line up.

I made my way in. Lucas was standing near the bar, talking up some girl. He waved at me then excused himself from the girl.

"Nice choice of place. I half expected a sports bar." I said to him over the loud music.

He shrugged at me. "I was feeling adventurous and looking for company. How's work?"

I glared at him. "Same, if I tell you I have to kill you, shit."

He laughed at me, and patted my back. "Dude, chill. I meant working for your dad's. We can't all be the owner's son."

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