Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry it took longer than usual to post! I have one week left of school and then it's winter break, which means more time for writing. :') Next update will be up soon!


Chapter 10

I was trying to take a quick power nap before shooting commenced when loud, unrelenting knocking woke me up. Someone was knocking on my trailer door, disrupting my precious sleep. Whoever it was had better have had a damn good reason for knocking on my door like that and waking me up. I'd been promised peace, quiet, and privacy on set, especially when we had to come in this early in the morning. So much for that.

When I realized the knocking wasn't going to stop until I got up and answered the door, I sat up and sighed. Why had I agreed to do this? Why was I even here? What was I doing with my life?

I reluctantly walked over and opened the door. I probably didn't look too happy, but in my defense, I'd just been woken up against my will. Only weirdly happy and positive people looked happy right after being woken up.

I instantly regretted opening the door when I saw who it was. Sophia. I should have known it was her. No one else would bother me like this in my own trailer.

Well, alright, Blake would, but Blake would also shout at me and demand I open the door for him. Visits from him usually consisted of that or him surprising me with water balloons to the face.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

She shifted her stance, looking uncharacteristically uncomfortable. "There's, uh, someone who wants to meet you."

"Really?" I cocked an eyebrow. I wasn't sure what I'd been expecting when I saw it was her at my door, but that certainly wasn't it. "Who?"

Sophia stepped out of the way to reveal a shaking brunette that looked to be about Sophia's age. I glanced back at Sophia, who was pointing at the other girl with an unenthused look on her face.

Her friend, on the other hand, had a wide, scary smile on her face that was starting to freak me out. She just stood there and stared at me with that freaky smile on her face. She didn't move. She didn't blink. She didn't breathe. She just stared. Stared and smiled.

"My best friend Tori wanted to meet you," Sophia began in a monotonous voice. "She's a... a..." She made a little choking noise. "A Ry-Turd."

If I hadn't been so weirded out by her friend, I would have laughed at how utterly ashamed Sophia sounded to introduce her best friend to me and admit she was a fan of mine. What a beautiful twist. She hated me, but her best friend loved me.

Her friend may have been kind of creepy, but she was still a fan and therefore deserved my signature smile. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Tori," I said, turning the charm on. Sophia got zero of my charm at this point, but her friend deserved a solid 85.

I looked down at the steps, insinuating that I needed them to back up so I could step outside. Tori latched onto Sophia's arm and yanked her back faster than I could say something.

As soon as I stepped outside, Tori pretty much lost it.

"Oh, my god," she squeaked. "You're... you're... you're R-Ry-Ryder Christian! I mean, no! You're C-Christian Ryder! You're... you're... meep!"

I let out a surprised chuckle. Wow. Sophia's friend was a bigger fan of mine than I'd realized. "Yeah, that's me. To be honest, I never would have thought Sophia's best friend would be a fan."

"I'M A HUGE FAN!" Tori jumped up and down excitedly while Sophia stood a few steps away cringing like a teenager being dropped off at school by a rambunctious parent. "I can't believe this is happening. This is the best day of my life!"

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