Chapter 33

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I have a lot going on right now school wise and am pretty overwhelmed with work 24/7, so it's hard to sit down and finish a chapter sometimes, but I'm trying my best! I haven't forgotten about you guys or these stories!


Chapter 33

The next morning, I woke up to the best message I could have received from Sophia – a text so simple but which still managed to leave me with the most ridiculous smile on my face, one that lingered for the rest of the morning and even made Blake curious.

"Why do you look so happy?" he asked on our way to grab some breakfast from the food cart. "You look like you just got laid."

I shook my head. "Not quite. She forgave me, man. She actually forgave me." I even pulled out my phone to show him the proof: I forgive you. I had no idea three little words could make me feel so much. I kind of felt like throwing up from excitement. Was that normal? That didn't seem normal.

"Well, damn," he said. "I owe Tori twenty bucks."

"Why would you owe her twenty bucks?"

"We made a bet on how long it would take Sophia to let you off the hook."

I narrowed my eyes. "And what was your guess?"

He grinned sheepishly. "I believe my exact words were when the first cow lands on the moon and establishes a colony."

"Thanks for the support, buddy." I rolled my eyes. "It's nice to know I can always count on you to believe in me."

"Do I really need to remind you of how complicated your relationship with her has always been? You can't blame me for doubting you," he said. "Bubba and I have talked about it extensively – okay, I've talked and he's listened – and even he was like, 'Eh, I don't know man.'"

"... Okay, that's probably fair." I looked up and my eyes met with Sophia's. "Shut up, she's right over there."

"I wasn't even saying anything anym—"

I slapped his side. "Shh! Hey, Sophia."

She raised an eyebrow at our exchange. "Hey. Everything okay here?"

Blake opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly cut him off. God only knew what was about to come out of his mouth. "Yeah, everything's fine."

"One of the interns told me Nora was looking for us," she said. "I don't think we've done anything wrong this time, but has she said anything to you?"

"No, this is the first I've heard of it," I said. I glanced behind her and noticed Nora was quickly approaching us. "Speak of the devil. I mean, director. Devil sounds kind of disrespectful, doesn't it?"

She laughed, and all I wanted to do was say something stupid again so I could hear that sound one more time. "Just a bit. Hey, Nora."

"You guys weren't in your trailers, so I figured I'd follow the food and find you," Nora said with a laugh. "Listen, the producers and I have been talking, and we have a scene that we've been sitting on for a while, but I think we might go through with it and just go ahead and shoot it even if we don't end up using it."

"What scene?" Sophia asked.

Nora's lips twitched upwards. "It's a sex scene. It would go after the romantic dinner and dance scene."

"We're doing a what scene?" Sophia repeated.

"I haven't said we're doing anything yet," Nora said. "Don't look at me like that. I'm just telling you it's a possibility. I'll let you guys know for sure soon, but I just wanted to warn you that it is still in the works."

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