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Noah sat there nervously, clutching Courtney's hand and listening to the heart monitor beep slowly behind him, signalling she was still with him.

That was the only thing that gave him comfort.

He was a wreck. She hasn't woken for two whole days, and Noah frankly didn't sleep those past two days. He didn't want to leave her alone, he couldn't.

There was a bandage wrapped around her head when only two days before, blood was soaking the very spot. The doctors diagnosed her with a concussion. She had a few bruises on her face, but luckily, it wasn't as bad.

Suddenly, after two days of waiting, her eyes fluttered open, and Noah gripped her hand tighter.

"Courtney!" He leaned in gently and kissed her, relieved she was awake.

"The baby...." This was the first thing she said.

Of course she'd be worried. Why wouldn't she? Noah smiled a bit.

"The baby will be fine. The doctors say its a miracle. They don't know how it happened. Maybe had you been further along..." He pushed the thought away and shook his head.

"All that matters is you're okay, the baby's okay. We're going to be fine."

Courtney smiled a little, although her head hurt tremendously, but she couldn't help but feel a little relieved. Although, something brought her to think about what Noah's ex had said.

It was almost like she predicted it, which was strange. Courtney didn't care anymore. That girl was a jerk.

The doctor came in and smiled. "How are you feeling? You've been out two days."


"Its okay, Courtney." Noah assured her. For once, she believed it.

Everything was okay.

A/N: I should be sleeping but I wanted to write idk why. :) it snowed a bit today I'm so happy I love snow! Minus the cold

Courtney Isn't So Gross, Man. //a Courtney Miller fanficWhere stories live. Discover now