Chapter Two

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In the end, keeping Paula's in his sole company for an hour, proved to be somewhat challenging for Eddie.

For starters, much to his growing irritation, his sister Sarah, who had noticed them both together, seemed uneasy about the attention he was paying her friend. She kept shooting him little suspicious looks, then finding excuses to take Paula away from him.

It was as if she had concluded that if Paula stayed in his company too long, he might end up contaminating her in some way. Either that, or she knew it was just pissing him off, and she was enjoying it.

So he stood lounging at the bar counter, trying to act like he didn't care, whilst stuck drinking plain orange juice, because he knew he would be driving back to London soon, so alcohol was out of the question. Even though he really wanted and needed something stronger to drink right at that moment.

But the realisation that wasn't anything more embarrassing and humiliating for a police man, than he ended up getting caught and done for drunk driving. It would end up a black mark against his impeccable record, which he was not going to risk it was not worth it, so he had to be happy with the juice.

He was trying to make up his mind if he should just leave now, and be done with it. After all it would make very little difference now, perhaps he could just slip away quietly without saying anything to anyone, then there would be no big fuss,

He doubted his family would really miss him anyway, his mother kept trying to pry to what was going on with him private life, his father treated him with cool indifference, and his sister seemed intent on reminding him he was an asshole the way he treated people. But he put that down to the fact she had always envied him, he had always been the smart one, and this was the only way she could get back at him.

So he finished of the rest of his glass of orange with the intent of leaving, and found himself glancing around to see what had become of Paula.

It was then noticed she was up on the dance floor in the arms of the blonde haired bloke, whom he recognised was his new brother in law's friend and best man. Eddie didn't really read anything into it, realising that it was kind of traditional for the Best Man to have a dance with the Chief Bridesmaid.

But as he continue to watch, he noted the way the best man's hands kept slithering down to rest on Paula's rear end, and squeezing it, whilst he trying to pull her closer, to him. Eddie noticed that though Paula was smiling, and trying not to make a fuss, she was attempting to pull away and put some distance between them.

Eddie found himself watching the scene with keen interest, to see what was going on. The best man continued to try and grope Paula, and she was openly looking uncomfortable now, trying to escape from his clutches without causing a big scene.

But Eddie had seen enough.  He now moved away from the bar counter, walking casually over towards the dance floor and then tapped the best man lightly on the shoulder, the guy had obviously had too much to drink, unlike Eddie who was calm, cool, and clear headed.

"Excuse me mate, sorry to interrupt, but Paula here, promised me a dance before I had to leave, and as I am going to be gone in ten minutes, I want to make good on that promise" he partially lied

"Uh well-" The best man looked a little put out by this unexpected interruption, he had been enjoying himself, and did not really want to give up his dance partner quite so easily.

But now Eddie just interjected himself between the best man and Paula, so that he was more or less forced to release her. "Thanks, I knew you would understand," Eddie then said smiling amiably at the best man, who started to open his mouth to protest.

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