Chapter Fourteen

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 The following day, despite Paula  taking the time to text and even talk to her friend Sarah over the phone,  and  trying to convince and reassure her, that her relationship with Eddie was just more or just  a  less casual fling, which was mutual on both sides, and trying to convince her that she was not being led up the garden path by him, or going to end up heartbroken.  In the end, it didn't matter as Sarah, who decided she wasn't  going to be contented until she spoke with Eddie herself, and give him a piece of her mind.

 Which Eddie found out  when he  saw the many missed calls from her.  Slightly irritated, he was realising his sister was not going to give up easily as he continued to  ignore her calls and texts for most of the day. So he waited until he had finished work, then as he sat in his car in the car park at work, he finally  gave in and answered  latest call.

"Ah, so, at last you  have decided to talk to me" Sarah said snippily  "What the hell do you think you are playing at, messing around with Paula?"  she then immediately demanded

" For God sake grow up Sarah, we are not teenagers in the school playground, so why don't you mind your own business. It's got nothing to do with you, and between me and Paula" Eddie replied, not hiding his own irritation.

"How can you say that? It's got everything to do with me, when Paula is my friend!" Sarah exclaimed indignantly, "Someone has to look out for her, especially where you are concerned. I know what you are like" she then argued back accusingly, "You will just use her, like you use everyone else, until it no longer suits your purpose"

"And  as I said, Paula is not some naïve little school girl, who doesn't know what she is doing, so give her some credit, will you" Eddie insisted, feeling his patience with his sister running short

"Oh, you would like that, wouldn't you? She might not be a naïve little school girl anymore, granted, but as her best friend, I do know one thing, she deserves to be with someone better than you. And I am not just going to sit back and let you mess her about" Sarah shot back

"Well if you must know, I already told her that myself, but guess what? It seems she doesn't care, so perhaps you don't know Paula as well as you think you do" Eddie informed her dryly, "The only reason I am talking to you now, is to tell you to butt out of our business, and stick to concentrating on your own life," he then advised her icily  before continuing  "so, as this phone call is probably going to cost us both a fortune, I am going to hang up now, just don't waste your time and effort messaging or texting me about  what is going on about me and Paula again, understand, because I have no intentions of explaining myself any further on the matter." he stated. She never got the chance to argue or say anymore abruptly pressing the end conversation  button the on the screen  and then knocking of his phone altogether to make sure she got the hint he meant what he said.

 Later that evening, he mentioned his heated conversation with his sister to Paula, when he called her.

"I have spoken to her myself, and  I told how it is between us" Paula said with a sigh of frustration, "I even agreed with her, that you should not have send that photo the way you did. I was going to get around to telling her myself in my own way, once she got back from her holiday,  then I ended up trying to reassure her the only reason I had not, was because there was nothing big to tell, and it's not that serious between us."  she then explained with a small frown

"But she is convinced I am clueless, and I don't know what I am doing, because you are a bad influence on me, and somehow you have duped me, She even thinks you are only interested in me, because it's a way  to get at her and wind her up" Paula finished in a slight incredulous tone

Eddie gave a small snort of derision at this last piece of information, "She thinks a lot of herself, if she supposes I would go to that much trouble to wind her up. Fortunately I don't even give her that much consideration. I have more important things going on in my life to even be that petty" he retorted. But then he paused,  before adding with some uncertainty "You don't think that's the reason I am interested in you, do you?"

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