Chapter Sixteen

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Eddie sat in his car which was parked outside the kerb in front of Paula's house. He had been sitting there for the last half hour or so, waiting for her to get home from working in the café for the day, still trying to figure out how he was going to explain to her the whole situation about her mother. But, he was realising there was no easy way of getting around it, no matter which why he intended to put it, making him rub a hand over his face in slight agitation

Glancing up through his rear view mirror, his heart quickened as he noticed Paula had just turned into the street. She immediately slowed down spotting his car sitting there. He had not told her he was coming, so of course she looked a little surprised as she now approached the car.

Eddie found himself heaving in a deep breath as he attempted to bolster up his nerve for facing her, as he now got out of the car to greet her.

Paula had not received any kind of communication from Eddie for over a week, and he was the last person she was expecting to see as she came home from a busy day at work.  She had  just looking forward to relaxing and putting her feet up, But now, recognising his car, her heart lifted a little that he had unexpectedly turned up, although, at the same time a little puzzled why he had not phoned to let her know, and finding his arrival in the late afternoon, seemed a little unusual, imagining he didn't usually finish his shift this early, to come visit her.

As she got closer he got out of his car, and although he shot her a brief smile, it did not reach his eyes, instead he appeared almost tense and  serious looking, that made her feel a little uneasy

"Hey Eddie, what are you doing here?  You should have phoned  let me know you were coming" she greeted him happily

"Yeah, I guess I should have called, but I thought it would be better if it was face to face, as I am here more on a professional capacity, than a social one" he explained, his tone a little grave

"Oh? What do you mean?" Paula wasn't sure if he was joking or not, so smiled with uncertainty, whilst feeling confused by his reason for being there

"We should wait until you get into your house, then I will explain everything," Eddie then replied, seeming to now have trouble looking her direct in the eyes, and still sounding deadly serious, as he glanced down the street

"O-okay," Paula felt her unease now growing, wondering what had happened

Her fingers were trembling a little as she put the key in her front door to open it and let herself in, Eddie followed behind her still wearing a rather pensive expression as they entered her living room.

"So, what is going on Eddie?" she then demanded, her curiosity getting the better of her as she turned to him

Going over, he rested a hand on her arm and led her towards the sofa, inviting her to sit down. When she did so, he sat down next to her on the edge of the sofa, his elbows resting on his knees as he steepled his fingers  focusing all his attention on them  before speaking, still having trouble looking her in the eye

"Eddie, you are really starting to freak me out now," Paula confessed worriedly, "Please tell me what is wrong"

"Well, this isn't easy for me right now to be honest," Eddie replied, looking round at Paula, to let her see his troubled look and the tension around his mouth,  "Actually, I am here because it's about your mother" he then finally  managed to get out.

Somehow, that the subject of this sudden  grave discussion was to do with her mother, was the last thing Paula had expected from Eddie,  so it only made her even more  bewildered

"My mother?" she repeated questioningly

Eddie huffed out a sigh and went back to staring at his steepled fingers

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